Royaly f-ed up

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Not even a full minute later, my phone began to ring and I propped it up on the wall behind my desk.

"Hey, you answered." He said.
"Why would I give you my phone number if I wasn't going to answer you?" I asked peering up at him from my math homework.
"I lowkey thought that you gave me a fake number."
"Right. So some random person in the world would have Ethan Dolan's phone number and try to leak it. Yeah no, I'm not that petty"
"Well I thank you for that."
"You're welcome." I said looking back at the homework that made me want to commit self defenestration.
"Did you just say self defenestration? What the hell does that mean?"
"Right I think out loud a lot. To defenestrate means to throw someone out a window."
"So math makes you want to throw yourself out the window?"
"Yeah basically." I said, looking up and smiling slightly.
"Gotcha." He said. "So anyway, back to your tweets."
"I'm hanging up now." I said reaching for my phone.
"No wait. I won't talk about the embarrassing ones."
"Mhm. I don't trust you."
"Well you should. I'm a man of my word."
"Fine whatever. I'm only half listening to you anyway."
"Rude." He said, looking fake hurt.
"So was you coercing me into giving you my phone number."
"I didn't coerce you."
"I know. I was just trying to change the subject." I smirked.
"Not a chance. I already have some tweets pulled up on my computer that I want to ask about."
"Whatever." I said, already not paying attention to him.
"Have you ever just been sitting in class and have the sudden urge to scream out YOU COULDA HAD A BAD BITCH...bc same." He read. I shook my head lightly and tried to finish the math problem that I was on. "Which is very different from the next one that says 'I just reminded myself that I'll probably never see shawn mendes live and made myself cry before clocking in to work.' What happened to being a bad bitch?"
"No comment." I said, looking up quickly at him before looking back at my homework.
"Are you not done yet?" He asked, almost sounding dissapointed.
"No. I told you I was shit at math."
"You need any help?"
"Do you know anything about trig?"
"I know fractions and circles."
"I'll keep that in mind when I get to that chapter."
"Alright." He said smiling. "So back to the shawn mendes tweet. You're a really big fan of his right? 95% of your tweets that aren't about me are about him."
"I will hang up on you Ethan." I said, trying to hold back a laugh.
"Okay okay, that was the last joke I promise." He said holding his hands up in deference.

"Hey Haley, can I borrow your-" Mine and Ally's roomate, Cam, asked walking into my room.

"Scissors? Is that-? ALLY!" She yelled, walking back out of my room. I groaned and leaned back in my chair, covering my face with my hands.

"Who was that?" Ethan asked. I sat back up and looked at him.
"My other roommate." I said, finding suddenly disinterest in wanting to finish my homework.
"Does she know about Ally and Grayson?" I shrugged my shoulders and listened as Ally ran down the stairs.

"What happened? Who's dying?" She asked, very out of breath. I turned around in my chair to see what was about to happen.

Camran grabbed Ally by her wrist and dragged her into my room, pointing to my phone.

"Do you have any idea who that is?" Cam asked in disbelief.

"My boyfriend's brother?"

"I'm sorry, YOUR WHAT?"

"She's dating Grayson Dolan." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Did someone say my name?" Grayson said, popping his head into the phone.

"No." All three of us and Ethan said at the same time.

"When did she start dating him?" Camran asked.

"I'll tell you everything upstairs." Ally said, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of my room.

"But wait-" Cam paused. "I still need scissors."

I grabbed my scissors out of the bucket and handed them behind me so should grab them before they continued to walk upstairs.

"That was interesting." Ethan said.
"Yeah. It's refreshing to know that I wasn't the only one she didn't tell." I said shaking my head before hitting my head on the desk in frustration.
"So I like royalty fucked up then?"
"I mean," I said looking up. "It's taken you this long to realize that?"
"But to be fair, they should have at least told you guys."
"Yeah. But I kind of get where they were coming from now." I said, rubbing my face with my hands. "If it was me I think I would keep it a secret too. Maybe not as long as they did, but I would."
"Good to know." He said smirking. "So I was thinking that for our first date, I could take you to some kind of concert."
"What concer- Wait, you can't trick me like that."
"I did sneak that in there pretty smoothy though don't you think?"
"Mhm. I've got to admit you almost had me there."
"Would it have been more convincing if I said Shawn mendes concert?"
"Maybe." I said trying to hold in a smile.
"Oh you better go buy a helmet." He smirked and I looked at him confused.
"Because so I don't want you to hurt yourself when you fall for me." He said, cheekily grinning.
"Goodnight Ethan." I said rolling my eyes, but also not doing a very good job at hiding the blush on my cheeks.
"Goodnight." He said, grinning one last time before turning off the FaceTime.

I leaned back in my chair and sighed, what have I gotten myself into?

Hi, ummm yeh, bye!

Love y'all 💗💗

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