You Really Did Shave

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I woke up to a tiny hand slapping my face. I opened my eyes and looked at Journi standing in front of the couch, laughing.

"You," I said poking her belly, "are supposed to be asleep."

"Inna watch spidaman." She said giggling.

"Now why would I let you watch spider-man when you are supposed to be taking a nap?" I asked, sitting up.

My phone vibrated on the coffee table and I grabbed it and the remote so I could put Spider-Man on for Journi.

"Go sit down." I said, pointing to the other couch.

I turned the tv on and while I was waiting for it to load, I checked my phone.

Jae 🐨
Hey are you busy?

Yeah, I'm up to my neck
in pull-ups and Spider-Man

Journi's here?


Say no more, I'm on my
way over

"Ah!" Journi screamed and then giggled. I turned my head to look at her and she pointed to the tv. "Thas my Effin."

I looked at the video in the corner on the suggested on YouTube that she was pointing to and chuckled.

"I want dat one." She said, running over to the tv and trying to click on it. "I want my Effin and Gayson."

"I thought you wanted Spider-Man?" I asked, already using the remote to go and click on the video.

"No spidaman. I want dat one."

"Okay. Okay." I said clicking on the video. "Now go sit down."


"Where are your roommates?" Jaelyn asked, walking into the apartment.

"Hell if I know. They were gone before I got back from the doctor this morning."

"Why is your boyfriend on your TV? I get that you miss him or whatever, but that's kind of pathetic."

"Journi wanted to watch them." I said, pointing her sitting on the couch just starring.

"Yeah sure, blame your patheticness on the baby." She said sitting down beside her. "Hey pumpkin."

"Hi," journi said pausing, not looking away from the tv. "Jaeyen."

"She's completely mesmerized by the tv." I said.

"Well she is your sister." Jaelyn said laughing. "She gets that and her stubbornness from you."

"Did you come here for a reason or are you just here to make fun of me and steal my little sister's affection?"

"Yeah, I need you to help me with a project. Just the finishing touches." She said, unzipping her bookbag and taking her laptop out. "But also to make fun of you and steal baby cuddles."


My phone started ringing from my room where I had it plugged in and I semi jogged in there to get it.

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