Ethan's an Idiot

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I woke up and walked out of my room into the kitchen to make me some breakfast. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked and saw that Grayson had posted on his Snapchat story.

"Yeah, I bet you did

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"Yeah, I bet you did." I said under my breath.

After taking a nap yesterday, I realized that I knew exactly who was in the video with Grayson, and I was going to confront her as soon as she walks through the front door. How does a person live with another person everyday, and a) not know that they are dating someone and b) not know that they've been flying to LA and New Jersey for god knows how long.

I was in the middle of making cinnamon rolls when I heard keys on the door.

"I'm back." Ally yelled, walking through the door.

"I can see that." I said, throwing away the empty can of cinnamon rolls off the counter. "How was Indiana?"

"Oh. It was fine. You know, corn fields everywhere and all that." She said, sitting her bag on the ground in front of the stairs.

"How's your nephew?" If I ask her enough questions, I should be able to catch her in a lie.

"He's good. Getting cuter everyday."

"And your flights? They went smoothly?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Yeah." She said bluntly. "What's with all the questions?"

"Well I wouldn't have to ask these things if you would've texted me back at all this weekend."

"You know, I just got caught up in all the fun family stuff we were doing, that I just forgot about my phone. It's very therapeutic."

"Really. What'd you guys do?" I asked, hoping this is where I was going to catch her.

"Umm corn mazes, pumpkin patches, dinners."  She said vaguely. "What'd you do over break?"

"I had dinner with my cousins on Friday and worked all day yesterday." I said. "I did have an interesting conversation with Lacey yesterday."

"Oh yeah?" She asked, grabbing an apple out of the bowl on the counter. "What about?"

"Apparently Grayson Dolan has a girlfriend." I said, looking right at her face to see if she'd give anything away.

"Really?" She asked. "What makes you think that."

"Lacey texted me last night after work and told me, naturally I didn't believe her."

"Right." She said still eating her apple.

"She said there was a video floating around of Grayson with a girl."


"Yeah. Ethans an idiot, as we know. And I guess recorded them and the girl seemed annoyed."

"Yeah she probably didn't want a camera in her face."

"I didn't say anything about the video showing her face." I said, raising my eyebrow at her.

"You know what, I'm going to go unpack!"

"Wanna see the video?" I asked, pursing my lips together.

"I'm good, I'll see it when I unpack."

"Let me just show you the best part." I said, pulling her pack and showing her the screen shot I had of her face.


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"Shit." She said under her breath.

"So, how long has this been going on?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"How long has this been going on, you've been creepin round on me."She sang, trying to distract me.

"Oh so you're going to take a play out of MY book?!Answer the damn question!" I said hitting my hand dramatically on the counter.

"Let's see we're in October..." she paused to count in her head, I was starting to get worried.

"About seven months." She said.


"I mean as far as us being in a relationship, if we're going to get technical we've been talking since December."

"DECEMBER!" I said, grabbing my chest, shaking again dramatically. "How did you two even meet?"

"Well, winter break my family and I went to LA. The twins were on the beach and yeah you don't need all the details."

Just as I was getting ready to say something, Ally's phone rings. She looks at the screen and hangs up.

"Who was that?"

"No one."

Her phone rings again.

"Ally answer the phone before I break it."

She picks the phone up and answers,

"Hey, now is not a good time. Yes I'm home, the flight was fine, look can I call you later? Also p.s. my roommate knows, and apparently so does most of twitter so if you're idiot brother is nearby, hit him for me. Okay. I love you too. I'll call you later. Bye."

I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at Ally. "Call him back."

"What?" She asked. "Why?"

"I have questions." I said, shrugging. "For both of you."

"What kind of questions?"

"I guess you'll find out." I said. "Call him back."

"Are you angry? Your face is really red." She asked, grabbing for her phone.

"aRe YoU AnGrY? No I'm just peachy." I said rolling my eyes.

"Right. Maybe we should just talk about this before bringing Grayson into this."

"Grayson's been in this for almost a year. Call him back."

She nodded and called him back on FaceTime.

"Hey what did you-...oh." He said picking up the phone and then noticing I was standing right behind Ally, still pretty pissed.

Heheheh why am I doing this to myself again?

Anyway enjoy

Love y'all 💗

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