Cabin in the Woods Part One

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"Are we leaving any time soon?" I asked, looking up from my phone at Ethan.

"Just waiting on Grayson."

"Well what's he waiting on? Christmas?"

"They're here." Grayson said walking into the living room with his bag slug over his shoulder. "Let's go."

"Wait, who's here?" I asked, standing up off the couch.

"Cameron, let's go!" He yelled, walking towards the door.

"I'm coming. Jeez." She said, coming out of her room with her bag.

"Seriously, who's here?" I asked, following behind Grayson and Cameron to the front door.

"You'll see." Grayson said, opening the door. He ran outside and dropped his bag beside their truck before running to the car that pulled in behind mine.

I squinted my eyes and realized that I knew that car.

"Why is Allyssa here?" I asked, not to anyone in particular.

"It was her idea to go to the cabin apparently." Ethan said, walking up behind me.

"Right." I said dropping my bag beside Grayson's on the ground. "Well, see you when we get there."

I started walked towards Ally's car but Ethan grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him.

"You're not going to ride with us?" He asked. I sighed and took my hand back from him, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Are you going to tell me what's going?" I asked.

"I can't." He said, "not yet, at least."

"Then I guess I'm riding in the other car." I said, turning around and walking towards Ally's car.

I opened the back right door and climbed in. Not that I didn't want to sit beside Ally, but because her driving makes me sick and I was probably going to stretch out and lay down on the drive.

"Hey there sunshine." Someone said front the passenger seat. I looked up and saw Jaelyn sitting there.

"Um, hey." I said confused. "Why are you-"

"I'm either here to keep you from going to jail or to bail you out if the first one doesn't work out."

"Right. Well, wake my up when we get there." I said going to put my headphones in.

The other backdoor opened and Cameron's head popped in. "Got room for one more. I can't ride with them alone."

"Sure! The more the merrier!" Ally said, very cheerfully. I rolled my eyes at put the other side of my headphones in, turning my music volume all the way up.


I felt a nudge on my shoulder and I groaned, sitting up from where I was leaning against the window. I took my headphones out, not even opening my eyes yet.

"Are we there?" I asked.

"No, we're stopping for food." Cam said. I nodded and unbuckled.

"Damn, who let me sleep against the window like that?" I asked, rubbing my neck and shoulder.

Ally, Jaelyn, and Cameron all laughed at me as we walked towards the door of the McDonald's.

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