10 days

423 8 3

"So where are we going?" Ethan asked, following me down the stairs.

"I don't know yet." I said walking back towards my car. "Give me a second."

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jaelyn's number.

"Hello?" She answered.
"Do you still need to need to go to Walmart?"
"Yeah. But also, why didn't you stop me from going to do homework when the fucking Dolan Twins are here?"
"I don't fucking know Jaelyn. Do you want to go to town with me and Ethan or not?" I asked, unlocking the car doors.

"This is your car?" Ethan asked, looking my Jeep up and down. I nodded and climbed in.

"You and Ethan huh? You're not dating him secretly are you?"
"He wishes. Look are you going or not."
"Why is that even a question. Of course I'm going."
"Alright, I'll be in the side parking lot in two minutes."

I hung up the phone and turned my car on.

"Do you know how long you guys are going to be staying?" I asked, backing out of the parking lot.

"I don't know, maybe like a week." He said. "We're going to Jersey in like eleven days so I don't know if we're going to go back to LA before then or not. I didn't even know we were coming here until Grayson woke me up this morning."

"Gotcha." I said, turning into the parking lot so I could get to Jaelyn's dorm. I pulled into a parking spot and turned to look at Ethan. "Get in the back."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Jaelyn that I was out here.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"She will fight you for the front seat."

"Whatever." He said laughing and unbuckling his seat belt. He hoisted himself up, putting his shoes in my seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at him like he had three heads.

"I'm getting in the back." He said, grabbing on to the back of both of the seats and crawling through.

"Dude. Was that necessary?" I asked, turning around and looking at him.

"Oh it was very necessary." He said smiling. "Also, something very necessary, you, me, and a date."


"What? You said you give me a chance. I'm just shooting my shot here."

"I'll think about it." I said, turning back around.

"Okay but actually a serious necessity, do you have an air mattress?"

"Why do you need an air mattress?" I asked, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"So I have somewhere to sleep for the next week and a half." He said, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Uh, there's a couch."

"I'm not going to sleep on a couch for ten days."

"Get a hotel then?"

"You did not just tell Ethan Dolan to go get a hotel room when you have a perfectly good apartment right here on campus." Jaelyn said, opening the door and getting into the car.

"Well there's not room anywhere in the apartment to blow an air mattress up."

"There's plenty of space in your room if you put like the bottom half of it up under your bed. Like bunk beds." Jaelyn said, grabbing the aux cord and hooking it up to her phone.

"So it's settled then." Ethan said. "I'm getting an air mattress."


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