Day five

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Hi um, this chapter is hella long. And it gets hella inappropriate in some parts, read at your own risk. Also, the time jumps a lot, so keep that in mind while you are reading.

Day five

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling, replaying everything that happened last night.

"Close the door." I said. Ethan took a few steps backwards and shut the door, locking it before walking back over to me. Our lips met as his hands found their way back to my waist, and he picked me up again, this time walking us over to my bed.

He sat me down and I laid backwards, him following. He broke away from our kiss and took his shirt off, throwing it somewhere before he started to kiss down my neck.

My alarm went off and I silently groaned, hoping it wouldn't wake Ethan up. I shut it off quickly and crawled over him and off of my bed. I got on the floor and stretched my arms above my head, causing Ethan's teeshirt to rise up just enough to barely cover my ass, before opening my closet door and grabbing my clothes for the day.

"That's a nice view to wake up to." Ethan said, startling me.

"Jesus you scared me." I said, grabbing at my chest.

"My tee shirt looks good on you." He said, propping himself up on his elbow and smirking. "It looks even better off though."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, turning away from my closet and towards him.

"Here you go." I said, reaching for the bottom of it and throwing it towards him. I grabbed the shirt that I wanted to wear today to replace the one that I just took off.

"What'd you do that for?" Ethan asked, pouting.

"What?" I asked, confused. "Put a shirt on?"

"Yeah. I was enjoying the view." He said, sitting up.

"Because I have to go to class." I said, shrugging on a pair of jeans.

I turned around to look on the mirror to make sure there weren't any wrinkles or anything and I noticed something on my collar bone. I traced my fingers over the bruise and bit my lip.

Ethan slowly trailed down my neck, alternating between kissing and bitting, which was driving me crazy. When he reached my collar bone, my hands instinctively went into his hair, grabbing it in fistfuls.

"Found it." He said, smirking before going back and leaving his mark on my collar bones.

I sighed before taking the shirt off and putting it back on the hanger. I grabbed a mock neck crop instead and put it on, since I was wearing high waisted pants, it met the top hem of the jeans and was appropriate enough for class.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Ethan had snuck up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me around.

"Why'd you hide those, I worked hard on them?" Ethan asked, pushing my hair out of the way and kissing the small part of my neck that was exposed.

"Because,"I said closing my eyes and putting my hands on his bare chest. "I have to go to class and nobody needs to see them."

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