What is wrong with you

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Haley's POV

"Like you actually care." I said, opening the door and slamming it in his face. I stormed off the porch of the cabin and down the path the was kind of hard to see through the snow and the dark. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flashlight so I could see where I was going.

Of course he's still hung up on his ex, that's just my fucking luck.

"One time!" I yelled. "Just one fucking time. Is that too much for me to ask?"

"Where the fuck am I even going?" I asked, rubbing my face.

"Why did it have to be snowing? Why couldn't I dramatically storm off when it was 70° and sunny? I'm going to get hypothermia and die out her with my dramatic ass." I mumbled, crossing my arms across my chest, angling my hand so that I could still use my flashlight.

"Okay, I'm definitely lost now." I sighed, stopping in my tracks and turning around, hoping that if I just went the way that I came that I'd make it back to the cabin and I'd be cooled off by then.

"And of course my phone dies," I groaned. "And I can't see shit at night."

Okay, as long as I take it slowly and steady and squint really hard, I can make it back in hopefully one piece.

Ethan's POV

"What the hell was that?" Jaelyn asked, walking into the kitchen. "What happened?"

"She...um, she left." I said, absolutely defeated.

"And you let her? What the fuck is wrong with you? First you basically manipulate her into dating you, make her drive seven hours to come see you, and then brush her off like she's nothing the entire time she's at your house? This is why she didn't want to date your dumbass in the first place."

"I know-" I said, getting up off the floor.

"And then you just let her run away? It's fucking snowing you idiot. And we're in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, what if something decides to attack her. She about the same size as a rabbit, what if a mountain lion mistakes her for one? There's going to be nothing left of her but a red stain in the snow. How could you just let her run away? Especially all emotional and upset and hurting and probably angry enough to choke a bear out with her hands. That's not to mention that she's physically injured. If she gets stuck out there without her medicine, there's no telling what kind of infection she could get."

"Don't you think I know all of these things?" I asked. "You think I wanted to let her leave? How bad do you think things could have been if I followed after her. She doesn't want to see me. What was I supposed to do?"

"Uh, not letting her leave in this weather would have been a good place to start."

"What's going on in here?" Grayson asked, Ally and Cameron walking in behind him.

"Where's Haley?" Cam asked.

The next thing I knew, my coat was being thrown at my face.

"Don't come back until you find her."

"Wait, she left?" Ally asked. I nodded.

"And you let her?" Grayson asked.

"Guys, spare the lecture. Jaelyn pretty much covered it." I said, shrugging on my coat and walking out the front door.

"Haley?" I yelled with hands cupped over my mouth.

No response.

"Look, I know I'm the last person you probably want coming after you, but it's cold. You're going to get sick, please come in."

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