Who's knife is the biggest

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*Novemeber 22nd*

"I really don't think it's a good idea for you to drive for seven hours." Ally said, putting my suit case in my trunk.

"I'll be fine."

"You just got seven stitches in your hip the day before yesterday."

"I went to cheer camp with more in my shin, I'll be fine."

"You're not supposed to operate heavy machinery on your medication." Camran said, sighing.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't take it." I shrugged, opening my door.

"You're going to be in so much pain."

"It's nothing I can't handle." I said, sitting in the drivers seat. "Would you guys just relax? It's too early in the morning for this."

"Okay okay." Ally sighed. "Just drive safe, okay?"

"Okay moms." I said rolling my eyes and closing the door. They walked away back up the stairs and into the apartment and I backed out of the parking lot, putting in the address to my GPS and plugging my phone up to the aux. Before pulling out on the main road I texted Ethan that I was leaving.

Leaving now, ETA 12pm

Since it was 4am, I wasn't expecting him to text me back for a while, but I wanted to text him anyway.

I've been on the interstate for two and a half hours now and I'm still in the middle of Virginia. I never really realized how big this state was until now. According to the GPS, five of the seven hours of the drive are Virginia alone.

I took the next exit because it was close to 7am now and I was getting hungry. I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and parked, turning off my car.

My phone started ringing so I answered it as I walked towards the door.

"How's the drive going?" My mom asked.
"It's fine. I'm stopped for breakfast right now."
"The stitches aren't bothering you too much?"
"Not yet. But it's only been a couple of hours."
"Okay. You'll call me as soon as you get out of Virginia, yeah?"
"Yeah yeah." I said, walking back towards the bathroom to use the bathroom while I had the chance.
"And listen, I know you may be very tempted, but don't do anything....strenuous, or you'll pop your stitches."
"What do you..oh. Right. Gotcha."
"Well the kids are getting ready to start coming into the classroom, so I'll talk to you later."
"Alright. Love you."

I hung up the phone and slid it in the pocket of purse as I walked up to the counter to order my food.

"Hi can I get an oatmeal with no fruit, a caramel iced coffee with no creamer, a bottle of water and two hashbrowns?"

"Sure thing. That'll be $7.86." The cashier said. I handed him a $10 and he gave me my change back with my receipt. "They'll call that number on the top when it's ready."

I grabbed my food when the called the order and walked back out to my car, wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible. I opened up my glove box and grabbed three of the almond milk coffee creamers that I keep stored in there and poured them in the coffee so that I could drink it without cringing at the taste.

After getting situated, I made sure the GPS was functioning correctly and pulled out of the parking lot, heading back out on my way to New Jersey.

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