II: Breaking Bones

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A dancer die twice, first when they stop dancing and second when they stop breathing...


Heavy breath can be heard as the music die down, drenching in his own sweat jimin glance at his own reflection -hair is wet, cheeks tinted in dust of pink, lips are parted as he tried to catch his breath. He may look like a mess but in a beautiful way.

"I can't feel my limbs..." he whispered in the air before he allowed his limping body to collapse on the wooden floor with a loud thud.

"...you repeated the routine for the fifth times, what would you expect? you still have the strength to stand?" a mockery remarks echoed in the room as the footsteps approached where jimin is laying in.

"hyung..." he mumbled.

"I know how dedicated and perfectionist you are little bean, but too much is bad... everyone has their own limitation and so do you," the man lecture as he flopped next to the exhausted boy. Jimin rolled his eyes as he sat up facing the older.

"I'm not idiot, I know-"

"if you're not why you doing this?" the older intervene, crossing his arms over his chest scowling at the younger, the latter only huffs looking away pout slowly forming on his lips. Already defeated, "fine" the only words rolled out in his mouth as he tried to stand up -that he eventually failed.

"see? you can't even stand up." the older mocked once again holding back his laughter. Only receive a dead glare to the younger that still struggling to gain his balance and strength.

"I hate you..." jimin whispered enough to hear by the older,

"don't worry the feeling is mutual-" seokjin retorts, standing up.

Another frustrating huff left jimin's lips, glaring the older. "if you're just here to annoy me, congratulation you succeeded!!!" jimin barked clenching his fist, losing his tempered.

"okay, okay... I'm sorry, no one informed me that you had you're period."



The room filled in deafening silent, all eyes darting in his direction. Jungkook on the other hands rolled his eyes mentally, eyes skillfully studying each faces.

"...so the reason why you agreed to transfer here, is because-"

"yes, that is one of the reason-" he intervene, paused as rest his back comfortably. "-but the main reason is, I really wanted to shape all the aspiring dancer in this institutions." jungkook completed, all faces contorted with different expression but one thing is for sure, he got this..

The head start with a sigh as he stare straight to the young professor. "honestly, we were taken aback at your sudden confession- other than that we can't see anything wrong for us to reject you, and of course on top of all of it you are highly recommended by the university you came from, and i will not going to deny that we're a big fan of yours."

"that means?"

"you can start tomorrow..." the words pierce jungkook's ear like a sweet symphony, triumphant smiles playing behind his poker face. "oh, and if you like ms. song can tour today." the director added.

"that would be nice." jungkook sat up from his seat as he bowed down. Then flashed his signature bunny smile to the woman beside the head director.

The said woman bowed down before made move, "ah! Ms. Song I forgot, the swan is in the studio." the head director added, the woman only nod in response understanding what her superior mean.

"lead the way Mr. Jeon, " ms. song said motioning to jungkook to go first. But before the woman shut the door she gave a one last glance as the director nodded.

Jungkook indeed a observant, he observe the woman every move as soon as they leave the room. Jungkook can not deny that the woman posses such beauty, how she walks in the hallway with such grace is fascinating -but that is not enough to hook jungkook taste. Then that's the time he got curious about the swan, they mention earlier.

"Ms. Song, " jungkook called made the woman face him. "if you don't mind, I'm just a bit curious about the swan that head director mention earlier." the straight face that woman wear soften as a soft tug of smile take over her pretty face.

"he's our pride Mr. Jeon..." ms. song shortly answered as she lead the way.

That's all? He's their pride? Jungkook grunt mentally.

"...honestly, I don't know how to put it to words." ms. song suddenly spoke. "in any chance Mr. Jeon, do you know Park Jimin?" the woman added as she turned left. Jungkook's brows furrowed the name sounds familiar but he's not sure.

"nutcracker, Giselle... " and those words light the bulb, "maybe now you get the hint now,"

So that beautiful boy studying here? Jungkook asked himself, didn't notice that they reach the studio where jimin is.

Ms. Song shake her head as her eyes sparks in adoration, jungkook follow the woman gaze. Breath hitched, throat runs dry as he gulps the lump in his throat.

The swan, the beautiful elegant boy was there dancing with his heart content, body drenched on his own sweat, plump lips a bit agape to catch his breath. His petite body move in grace, every step, every stroke stole jungkook's breath.

"beautiful isn't it?" ms. song commented, made jungkook eyes dilated like a deer caught in the headlight.

"don't worry, I won't judge..." the woman smile softly. "we're all in same page."

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