X: The Offer [Part 2]

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Jimin followed the professor silently, watching the professor's back keenly. In the past few days ⸺or should we say after the day Kang Daniel arrival the professor start to interact to him ⸺again. And he can't deny the fact that whenever the professor got near and initiate a conversation to him, his heart goes wild and thundered erratically causing him to clench his small hands over his chest to calm it. The walk towards the faculty is full of silent only the sound of their footstep can be hear or sometimes the fuss and chattering of the other student around them ⸺in other words no one tried to break the silence upon them. After a while they finally reach the said room Jungkook opened it for the both of them, he signs the younger to go in first in a gentleman manner which liked by the younger.

"have a seat,"

Jungkook offered pointing the chair in front of his desk, the younger complied without a word he just sits there like what the professor told him.


The professor added. Jimin shakes head declining the professor offer honestly he doesn't want to be rude and anything but his heart his beating so fast like it wanted to jump out of his ribcage, his body trembled in nervousness, it just him and the professor and now he scolding himself for being a scaredy cat right now.

Jungkook didn't seem offended at the younger refusal, he acknowledges it with a nod fully understand. He settled himself in his chair, rolling out a sigh before starting a conversation to the younger. His eyes meet on the younger tantalizing one, his breath hitched like someone heist the air in his lungs.

"mister jeon?"

Jimin called in steady voice eyebrows slowly pulled together in confusion, eyeing the swooning professor, he waved his small hand in front of the professor's face, calling him again and again. And when the younger had enough and lost his patience he bayed the professor name. Jungkook blink his eyes like a lost puppy murmuring a huh as he continues blinking his eyes.

"are you okay, mister jeon? You don't look go⸺"

"I'm fine, sorry for swooning... I just remember something."

He lied, of course he still in the right state of mind ⸺even he lost ten of his brain cells it doesn't enough to lose his reasoning, the younger nodded believing the professor words.

"uhm... about what you said earlier⸺"

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