"How far?"

How far? Was that all she could come up with after frightening me like that?

"Did you see this?" I turned to the third girl who had raised the picture in her phone up, so I could see it clearly. It was the famous picture everyone kept talking about. The picture of Oma watching Jeremiah eat at the restaurant close to our school. I had intentionally ignored that picture, and now that I saw it, I knew why I did. For some reason, seeing them together made me so sad.

Jealous. That was the word. I was jealous.

"How does it feel to know that you're a failure, just like your miserable plan to tear them apart? How does it feel to know that your plan failed?"

I exhaled. I was trying so hard to keep my cool. I slowly turned back to the first girl, I made sure I was glaring at her. I needed her to know I wasn't in the mood for her silly games. I had had the roughest week all week, and a silly immature girl with her group of friends, trying to bully me was the least of my needs.

"Ouuu, she's glaring at you." I could hear one of them say.

"Oh my gosh, she's so scary. I'm so scared." Another one applied sarcasm.

"Hey," the first one slapped me gently on my face, "who are you staring at like that?" She asked, me but I just kept glaring at her, so angrily. I was really upset.

"Didn't you hear her?" Another one asked

"I'm talking to you." She slapped me again. A bit harder than the first time. "How dare you stare at me like that, with those dirty eyes? Am I your mate? Look away." She commanded.

They were too many of them. Even if I tried to defend myself, my best bet was I was never going to stand a chance against all of them. There was only one thing I could do, leave. I got up quickly. I didn't have to stay there if I didn't want to.

I turned to leave.

I could hear them laugh cheekily behind me. They didn't try to stop me, even as it was clear now that I was walking towards the front door. They just kept laughing. It wasn't just them though, it happened that everyone I walked past on my way to the door, and even those behind me kept chuckling too. Something was definitely wrong, and I wasn't dying to know what they were laughing at, even though I was uncomfortable with it. I didn't want to think they thought of me as a clown.

"Oink oink." Someone made a loud snort from behind me. God, now I was so embarrassed. The thought that the entire class was laughing at me made me so weak. What was wrong? I obviously didn't have anything on my face, so what was the problem?

I began to increase my pace towards the front door. I didn't know why, but something in my guts wanted me to leave. Wanted me to run away from all of them. At that point, class was the last thing on my mind. I came to an abrupt stop in front of the door. I held my breath for a minute the moment I saw him. The moment I saw them. Kingsley, Jeremiah, and Oma. In that order. I swallowed hard when my eyes met with his.

The way he looked at me with a huge frown on his face, it felt...different. There was something odd about it. My eyes drifting slowly, drawing attention to his hands or should I say, their hands. My heart rate began to beat slowly as I noticed Oma's hands wrapped around his arm. She was holding on to him tightly, and I just couldn't take my eyes off it. It looked like the rumors were true after all. They were back together. Oma and Jeremiah. But how on earth was that even possible? Just a few days ago he told me he liked me. He jumped into a fight twice because of me. How on earth did that change all of a sudden? Was he trying to make fun of me? Was what I feared actually coming true? Was what Grace had said actually coming true? Did he use me again? Oma's hands tightened their hold on his arm, I guess she did that to spite me, since I was looking so hard. So hard to not even notice the continuous annoying laughter from the class, and Kingsley getting behind me.

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