Lucas is tapping the steering wheel. Thankfully we move forward and our order is given to us.

"I'll link one of the medical staff to come and get it for Nik" he says as we drive back towards the main pack building. 

He pulls over and I hand the take out to a nurse. 

"Thank you, Nik needs this" I thank her and Lucas pulls away before she has fully turned around to go back inside. 

We drive to his house which takes only a few minutes. He jumps out the car and then runs around the front opening my door and picking me up bridal style. I sling my arms around his neck and nibble on his mark. 

I here a growl as he fights to unlock the door. Then the door is being kicked shut and I'm being pushed up against the wall.  Lucas has me in a moaning mess and naked before are lips have parted. 

He lets me go just so he can rip his clothes off. 

I giggle as he hops around on one foot trying to pull off his jeans. He stops and stands on the free leg and yanks his foot from the material.  He crushes me to him and nips and nibbles his way to my mark.  I feel my thighs become wet from my sex.

"I have to be inside you now!" he growls holding me tight as he moves over to the sofa.  He turns me around and makes me bend over the back of it. He takes my hips and thrusts into me. 

I cry out his name as he stills and waits for me to get use to him. I grip the back of the sofa and push back into him. 

"You. Drive. Me. Crazy. I'm. Not. Use. To. Losing. Control" he growls each word as pumps into me.

The sofa is moving slowly forwarded with the power of his thrusts. I feel a little twinge in my finger but don't give it much thought as I move my legs a little further apart in the hopes that it will balance me a little better and stop the sofa from moving. 

He runs his hand down the centre of my back and then pushes it around and down into my folds.  As he rubs my nub and thrusts into me all, I can do is hold on and moan his name. I feel my walls clenching around him and know I'm close. 

I feel him bend his knees a little changing the angle so he can dive even deeper. I scream his name as my body feels as though its been thrown over a cliff.  He quickens the pace extending my orgasm and then shouts my name as he starts to fill me up. 

I orgasm again and my legs give out, Lucas and the sofa are holding me up. My bones have become soft and I can't move. 

"Love, are you alright?" Lucas pants behind me. 

My brain hears his words but I'm incapable of forming a reply so just grunt. Lucas pulls out of me and my knees buckle and he sweeps me up into his arms. My head falls onto his shoulder and I keep my eyes closed as I feel him move. Then sleep takes me into its depths.

Lucas POV

 I have never lost control like that before. I've cleaned my mate and laid her in bed. I have her pulled into my side as I watch her sleep.  

When I was cleaning her, I saw bruises on her hips that match my fingers.  Her little finger was dislocated from holding so tightly to the sofa. She never moved or made a sound when, I popped it back in.

 Astro is also conflicted he loves making love to our mate, but doesn't like the thought of us hurting her. 

'We enjoyed just as much as you. You two are over thinking this'  Silver tells us. 

'Are you sure? There are bruises?' Astro asks her. 

 She doesn't answer she just gives a contented chuckle before going to sleep. 

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