Love and Support

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Rivi was seated in the rocking chair,  holding their baby boy, as Landon was seated on the floor. He was buried in work lately, since his father fired him. He decided to assemble his own business, from the ground up. Landon's father wouldn't even come to see the baby, but the rest of the family did. Rivi's mom was a huge help, often staying a couple of nights throughout the week. She allowed Landon and Rivi some rest or just some alone time.

Rivi was offered a Music teaching position at a nearby College and she accepted it. She finally felt like she had a purpose in life and it was a breath of fresh air. She also started going to a substance abuse meeting once a week, to her surprise it was exactly what she needed. She was drowned in love and support from Landon and her family.

Rivi didn't feel like her time in jail was a mistake, she had in fact committed a crime and deserved to be punished. While in there, she had time to reflect on how careless she behaved when dating Corey. He was now in jail, awaiting his sentencing because many more charges were constantly being added on. He was truly a lost soul and the judge said he didn't believe there was any good in him. He was labeled a menace to society, a danger to himself and others.

She did take for granted holding her son and being able to ride off into the sunset with Landon. It still was unreal. This was that fairytale her younger self would fantasize about and now she was living it. It wasn't as bubbly as they would describe it in a Disney princess movie, but it was her story.

Rivi was finally happy. Rivi finally knew what it meant to love herself in order to love others. She still had a long way to go and a list of apologies to make but she strong enough now.

She's Beautiful her Story is Not  (COMPLETED)🎬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu