Chapter 26 (Cats out the bag)

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"Ma'am, did that man harm you? Should we call you an ambulance?" The old man with huge hands and a salt and pepper beard, dressed in his UPS uniform kneeled down in front of Rivi. She leaned against the wall with a blanket around her. She could hear the man speaking but her lips didn't respond. The old mans helper was a younger white male, with pale skin and ginger hair. He had blue eyes and a mustache.

"Young lady we are going to call the cops, okay? You seem unresponsive." He was trying to make her eyes follow him with his fingers.

Rivi shook her head thinking about talking to cops, knowing she was a criminal on the loose.

"Are you sure? I really think you should tell them what happened." The old man continued.

"No! Nothing happened, he ran as soon as he saw your lights. Actually, you both are my heroes!" She forced a fake smile as the old man looked her over with suspicion.

"May I ask why a pretty young lady as yourself, would be out here at such late hours?"

"I was ugh, just getting some fresh air." She lied and he studied her as if he knew better.

"Mmhmm.....I see. Well, are you on foot? We could give you a ride somewhere." He stood up reaching for her hand to help her up, and she gave it to him.

"No, my car is parked right over there, but maybe you could walk with me?" She hoped he'd agree she was afraid Corey would return.

"Of course! Hey Tim, be right back." The ginger nodded heading back towards the Ups truck.

The old man waited for Rivi to lead the way.
Once she was inside her car, the old man waited for her to start the ignition and pull off. She waved at him, as he slowly disappeared in her review mirror. She couldn't believe Corey attempted to assault her again. He thought it was a game, he was sick and now she was convinced he wasn't through with her. It was obvious he could find her, if he wanted and that frightened her. Rivi opened her glove compartment for a cigarette and a bag of used pregnancy test fell out. The cigarette seemed foolish now. She was such an idiot! A selfish one. She broke it in half and flung it.

She scheduled to have an abortion first thing Monday morning. She was careful not to leave any indications she was pregnant. That night, at the club she made sure to always order the drinks, so she could tell the bartender only water shots for her. It would have been suspicious if it didn't look like she was drinking. She wanted the baby, but with how everything was going, how could she be a single mom? How could she be a mom at all?

It was now two in the morning and she had nowhere to go. She parked in the parking lot of an old gas station, on the side where no one really noticed. She climbed in her back seat and laid her head down, her eyes felt heavy as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She woke up to loud banging on her window.
Rivi hopped up and saw what appeared to be the owner of the gas station upset. She climbed in the front seat and started the car, her windows were cracked so she could breathe but she let them down further.

"Ma'am, this is not a hotel, you cannot sleep here. You need to go before we call the police." She could barely make out his thick Indian accent.

"Okay damn, I'm leaving." She cranked up the car and the gaslight was on.

She checked her car for some money but only found some change. Her head was throbbing and she felt queasy, she opened the car door as the man was still yelling and threw up on his shoes. She tried to apologize, but he was turning red as he stepped back. She hurried and backed out and pulled off.

What was she going to do with no money and gas tank on E? Her phone was at least fully charged. Then it rang, her heart instantly stopped, as Landon's name appeared across the screen . He called three times, than left a voicemail. She swallowed hard before listening to it

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