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Landon hovered over his mom, losing herself in some novel. His mom loved to read, but since the incident, she'd become even more drawn to reading. She lifted a brow and turned the page.

"Yes, Landon?" She continued reading. Her hair was always down and she even wore a bang now to cover up her scars. His moms face was once free of even the tiniest blemish, now she wore a gash on her lip and left eyebrow, where hair no longer grew. She also lost four of her top teeth, but she got implants. Although, she was strong, they all handled her gentle now. They acted as if she was a fragile flower, and without the proper care, she would shrivel up and die.

"Just wondering what book has captured your attention now?" He asked.

"I told you, it's good to feed the brain constant knowledge, and reading is one of the best ways. You could never learn too much." She was now smiling, his mom was huge on education and anything less than a B was prohibited in the Belton's household.

"Did dad talk to you about Rivi?" He needed to at least hear what his mom's opinion was. She was always more understanding. He values her opinions over all,  even his father.

"Yes," She didn't take her eyes off the book, turning another page. Landon sat in front of her now leaning forward in his seat.


"I can see how he and Heidi would be upset, honey. It's more worry than anger, we are all just making sure you have completely thought this through." His mom's voice was calm, concerning but not judgmental. 

"She loves me mom, and I love her." He admitted, his mom finally looked away from her book to focus on her son. She had never heard him speak that word.

"Wow, look at the sparkle in your eyes. Now, if that's not the face of a man in love, I don't know what is." He smiled at her and she returned one.

His mom cuffed his cheek with her right hand.
"I would be honored to meet the intriguing woman who stole my precious sons heart. When will she grace us with her presence?" His mom returned her eyes to her book.

"Dad doesn't want her here." Landon reminded his mom.

"He's your boss, but honey this is your mother's territory. She can come Friday and join us for dinner. Actually, son I haven't seen that cozy little Penthouse of yours in a while, we will come to your place. The chef can whip us up some lobster. Yes, that will be fabulous." His mom touched her face as if she could taste the food already.

"I love that idea, I will let Rivi know tonight, she will be pleased. Her sister leaves today, she visited the entire weekend. She's a really smart girl, hopefully I can meet Rivi's parents one day, she said they're not that close." He was happy his mom was coming out of her shell and returning to the woman he use to know.

"I'm sure having one of your children turn to drugs has to be upsetting, or going astray period. Look at Connor." She referenced her oldest child.

"She hasn't used since we started dating, she's better." He defended her.

"Well how wonderful! I miss you coming to sit and talk with me. Everything is almost as it was, almost." She smiled weakly.

"Seeing you smile again is...it's just refreshing. It always reminds me of happier times. I love you mom." She blew him a kiss.

"And I you son." She whispered.


Landon informed Rivi of this Friday's dinner at his place and her heart rate sped up. She knew she would have to transfer the money before then, there was no way she would be attending that dinner. It was already Tuesday, time was evidently not on her side. Corey said Landon's mom told investigators she didn't remember anyone's identity. Rivi couldn't risk it. She would have to get Landon drunk, so he would give her the password.

She's Beautiful her Story is Not  (COMPLETED)🎬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ