Chapter 31(Accomplice)

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Landon ran his thumb across her forehead as the sound of their baby's heartbeat filled the room. The doctor smiled at Rivi as Landon placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Well, he is healthy and growing fast, at this rate he may be a 10-pound baby." The doctor teased as Rivi's eyes widened with horror.

"I pray the hell not," She squeezed Landon's hand while he laughed. 

"You never know, but everything looks great here. I will have Dana schedule you an appointment for next week. It's nice seeing you both. I delivered Conner, you, Heidi and now I have the pleasure of bringing your son into this world. I'm so happy for you Landon. You both have a wonderful rest of the day."

"Thank you doctor, Lin." Landon hugged her.

When the doctor left Landon kissed Rivi's belly and she giggled. His phone then rung and when he saw who was calling, she noticed his face appeared worried.

"Who is it?" Rivi questioned.

"Nobody, are you still in the mood for pizza?"
Landon was now smiling awkwardly.

"Are you sure it's nobody?"
She was trying to get up by herself but he helped her down.

"Yes woman, food?" He leaned his forehead into hers. She closed her eyes.

"Yes, pizza and loaded potatoes, also maybe brownies and a strawberry lemonade from Wendy's." Landon was now shaking his head.

"What?" Rivi asked.

He put his hands up. "Nothing, whatever you want." He took her hand and they left.



Later that night Landon met his brother in the parking garage where his penthouse was. They were moving furniture into the new house so
it was not ready. Rivi also couldn't decide on what color to paint the nursery or what carpet she wanted for the family room.

"So what happened?" Landon was panicking once he made his way outside. 

Max popped the trunk and a man was inside. He appeared beaten up and his mouth was covered with duck tape. He tried to scream, but Max pushed a blade up against his throat and told him to hush.

Landon's eyes grew big and his heart sped up with fear.

"Why would you bring him here and why did you harm him? Who is this?" Landon closed the trunk down.

Connor had something tied around his right knuckles that had spots of blood. 

"This is Vince the friend." Landon now understood. 

Landon could feel himself angering. "Dads old security."

"He claims he no longer deals with your man Corey, he says he can't be trusted and he has no idea where he's at." Connor lit up a cigar.

"You believe him?" Landon studied his brother.

"Not one bit." Connor ashes his cigar.

"I want him to turn himself into the police, he still was apart of mom's attack. He was the one who told Corey how to break in." He also recorded Rivi when Corey assaulted her but he left that part out
Landon glanced around nervously.

Connor laughed. "If he doesn't?"

Landon stared into his brothers eyes and he was frightened. His brother wanted this man dead, but Landon couldn't have that blood on his hands.

"No one is to be harmed, do I make myself clear?" Landon spoke between clenched teeth.

Connor shrugged. " Sure little brother."

"Now please, never bring this around here again." Landon turned on his heel ti head inside.

"We figured we were doing you a solid, show a little gratitude." Connor leaned against the car. Landon now turning back around.

"I'm happy you found him, but he's useless without Corey. What good will it do to torture this man, if he can't give us the information we need?" Landon challenged Connor.

"You think we can't get the answers we need? Then little brother you have no idea what I'm capable of." Connor smiled a mincing smile that made Landon feel uneasy. 

"If you cannot do what I ask then let me know now, so I can hire someone who will." Landon threatened.

"In this line of work someone will be hurt no matter how careful we are. You may want to keep tabs on Rivi. You can never be too careful." Landon was in Connors's face now, shoving him against the car.

Connor put his hands up smirking . " Whoa, all I'm saying is out here it's an eye for an eye. We grabbed his guy, so he will probably take one of ours."

"Not if you had done what I asked. I never said to kidnap anyone. Please, just get him out of here. Take him exactly back to where you found him." Landon headed towards the elevator.

"So he lives?" Max asked.

" Yes, after we have a little more fun with him." Connor and Max laughed .

"That brother needs a reality check."

"He's the golden boy. It's not his fault our parents raised him to be the face of the family. He is to inherit the keys to the kingdom, when they can no longer run it." Connor started the car.

"Aren't you the oldest son?" Max was confused.

"The oldest unfit son. I was always problematic and untrustworthy. I don't meet the qualifications of being my dads successor. I have a feeling after my dad founds out what Landon has been up to, he will not qualify either. Connor smiled.

"Maybe, you'll be back in the running." Max closed the trunk.

"You've never met my father, he"ll pass it down to a bum on street before he gives a second chance." Connor and Max laughed.

"Damn, daddy issues."

"Yea, pretty much."

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