Chapter 33

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Rivi sat in the back of the police car with the handcuffs tightly around her wrist. She felt claustrophobic. The car felt like it was closing in on her, just like her real life. She kicked the back of the officer's seat.

"What is it?" He stared at her through his mirror.

"Can you please loosen these handcuffs and let the window down? I feel like I'm going g to pass out." Rivi felt dizzy.

The cop laughed with his partner. "Your privileges were stripped from you, the moment those cuffs closed around your wrist. This isn't meant to be comfortable, so just sit back and enjoy the ride." The cops turned the music up loud. The noise, mixed with their laughter, and thinking about the night's overall experience. She felt nauseous.

The baby was kicking. Which pulled her back into the reality that he would be born in prison. Probably ripped right from her arms. She'd never get to have that skin to skin moment or breastfeed. She wouldn't be around to see him crawl or utter his first words or walk. Out of all the people in the world, the lord could have chosen to give a shitty life, why did he choose her?

She just wanted to be considered cool growing up. She wanted girls to stop teasing her for being skinny and dark-skinned. She wanted her parents to spend more time home, instead of working seven days a week to provide for her and Camry. She wanted to go off to college, find a nice guy, get married, and have children. She wanted to make her parents proud and make enough money to support them all one day. This is not how she saw her, only 5 years ago. She was a normal teenage girl once, who dreamed normal dreams but Nightmares turned to reality. Look at her life now.

She must have dozed off because when she woke up she was being pulled out of the back seat. They didn't even allow her to grab a coat and the Chicago air was freezing. Her body went into instant shock when the ice-cold wind collided with her skin. She was shivering and teeth chattering within seconds. The lady at the front buzzed them in and the heavy metal door flew open. They stepped inside and it slammed behind them, causing Rivi to jump. The cops finally freed her wrist from the handcuffs, red marks were left around her sore wrist as she massages them to try and soothe them.

"Do you have any tattoos, piercings, anything that could be used as a weapon or a weapon on you?" The lady officer asked.

"My ears are pierced I have no tattoos and no weapons," Rivi told her.

"Listen Kenny, I don't care what you have to do or say. I want her home by the time the sun rises. I want her in my arms, do you hear me?" Landon hung up the phone.

He then dialed Connor, but it went to voicemail. "I gave you strict orders not to harm that man and you still did. I'm done with you and your friend Max. You both are not to peruse Corey, I will just handle it myself." Landon hung up the phone and took off in his car, heading towards the police station.

He wasn't even able to give himself time to process what had just happened. His father went all psycho and pointed a gun at him. Rivi was arrested and could very well go down for something she didn't do. What the hell is going on in his life? He could hear Heidi warning him to not get caught up with Rivi, but it wasn't on purpose. He hated the person she was at first, but her beauty, the mystery behind the tears he first witnessed her cry. She was his poison and antidote.

It was an insult to say he loved her; he needed her. She had sucked all of the oxygen out of his lungs and made herself the reason he now breathes. She had consumed him, he was imprisoned in her love, a willing slave to her every want and need. He had taken a bite from the forbidden fruit and now he could never return to the way things use to be. If Rivi wasn't apart of that chapter. His existence before her seemed cloudy now.

When he arrived at the police station he was greeted by detective Armis. He dedicated himself to working around the clock on catching their mom's attacker, for the last year. He wore a smile on his face like a badge of honor, but Landon did not embrace it.

"You don't wear the face of a man happy to know his parent's intruder is in custody, well one of them." Detective Armis lead Landon to his office and closed the door.

"It's because you have the wrong person." Landon stood over his desk.

"So she wasn't there?" Detective asked.

"Well yes but," Landon was talking with his hands.

"Ah, so she is the right person," Detective Armis sipped his coffee.

"Yes she was there but she didn't attack my mother, in fact, she attempted to stop her from being assaulted." Landon tried to explain.

"Oh, so she turned herself in and gave us all this information so we could catch the person responsible?"

Landon shook his head.

"How can you prove this? Can you give me names of who else was involved to corroborate your claims?" He typed away on his computer.

"It's not that simple," Landon inhaled deeply before sitting. If he tells them about Corey, he will release the recording of himself sexually abusing Rivi and it will be leaked all over social media. Yes, he will go to prison, but her most vulnerable time in life will be exposed for all the world to see. She could resent him instead of declaring him her hero.

"Then she will do time for this crime and her alone. Unless we have reason to release her or give her lesser time." The Detective fondled with some papers on his desk.

"I can offer you money please," Landon begged.

"You Belton men are all the same. You think you can just buy your way out of every situation? Get out of my office now, before I have you arrested for bribery."

"Look Armis, I didn't mean to,"

"Detective Armis, is the correct way to address me. Do not make me repeat myself." Detective Armis continue fondling through his paperwork.

Landon left out of the police station and called his lawyer to explain what he had just tried to do. He hoped he didn't jeopardize Rivi's situation even more. He would never use his money as a weapon of power, but he was desperate. He guessed at this moment all he could do was sit and wait for instructions from his lawyer and a call from Rivi. Why hadn't she called yet? He had to trust that if there was some type of higher power out there, that they would keep her safe.

She's Beautiful her Story is Not  (COMPLETED)🎬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ