Chapter 34(Useless)

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Weeks went by since Rivi had gone to jail and she wasn't granted a bond. This was the first day Landon was allowed to visit her. He sat down, with the phone in his hand, waiting for her to come out. When he saw a guard escorting her out, his heart stopped. Here she was eight months pregnant, with chains around her wrist. Landon stood up to greet her, her eyes were puffy, her hair wild. The guard then remove the cuffs.

She pressed her hand against the glass that separated them and he mirrored her action. Her hand shaking as she brought the phone to her ear.

"Rivi, baby I missed you. How are you? I mean that was a stupid question considering the circumstances-"

" ... I want to come home Landon." Her voice cracked ."

Landon dropped his head. He felt useless.

"I can't give birth to our son in this place," She looked around.

"And you won't I promise-"

" - Landon how can you be so sure ? I wiped myself last night and there was some spotting. I know it's because I am stressed. I don't want to lose my baby," One tear escaped her eye.

Landon's right hand gripped tightly around the telephone. " Rivi?" He was holding back his tears. 

"Yes?" She whispered.

"I haven't been completely honest with you," He bit his bottom lip .

"What do you mean?" Her stare puzzled.

"Corey came to see me a couple of weeks ago, requesting more money," Landon avoided eye contact with Rivi.

"Wait, so what happened?" She was confused.

"I refused at first, but then he-" Landon looked into her eyes.

"He showed me a video." Landon locked eyes with her now as if he was apologizing for something he had seen.

"Oh God, that video," Rivi held her hand to her mouth.

"He is threatening to release it if ...if his identity is known." Landon scooted closer. 

"The news that night at Thanksgiving... Connor vanished like a ghost when-"Rivi hit the glass, demanding Landon to look at her. Landon nodded admitting to having something to do with Vince's unpleasant mishap.

"Landon why are you getting mixed up in that type of stuff, that is not you ." Rivi was wiping her cheeks. 

"For you it doesn't matter ." He placed his hand on the glass . " It doesn't matter, you are worth it ."

"You want to know if I will give his name to the cops? If I will be okay with everyone seeing me ... seeing me like that ," She hugged herself .

"There is no proof he has copies. I honestly believe he's bluffing, think about it. Why would he incriminate himself to humiliate you? If he has a family, why would he risk his freedom? Who would take care of them?" Landon observed her body language while he proceeded to persuade her.

"He very well may not be bluffing. This means everyone, my dad, my sister, people I don't know," Rivi's eyes drifted off Landon. "Our son."

"I understand the undignified perspective of it, but Rivi people will not condemn you. You were taken advantage of by a person you loved and thought you could trust. You were betrayed. People will find pity in that,"

"Pity? Do you think I want people to pity me? I'm not a freak show!" She yelled, not caring who heard her.

"Rivi, I did not say that, but what are we going to do?" Landon tone was desperate.

"I need time to think." Rivi put the phone down .

Landon hit the glass . "No, we are not finished talking, Rivi!"

Rivi extended her wrist to the guard and he chained her and took her behind the heavy metal door. Landon slammed the phone down . He was frustrated. Then Landon got an idea . He was sure Vince was still in the hospital, he could find out from him if there were actually copies of the video . He only hoped he'd tell the truth.

He still had not heard a word from Connor and though he was beyond upset with him, he still wanted to know he was okay. Heidi wasn't answering or returning any of his calls as well. She had a right to be upset. He was in a way, sleeping with the enemy. Rivi did nothing, not even called the cops when she came down from her high. Landon knew his sister would argue that point. Heidi also wasn't aware of the horrific situation that took place with Rivi that night. She'd be more understanding.

When Landon arrived at the hospital, he flirted with one of the nurses to find out what room Vince was in. Vince's face was still badly bruised, his hands were wrapped up and he was laughing at some show on television.
When his eyes rested on Landon he began panicking, trying to call for help, but Landon put his hands up.

"I'm not here to hurt you, if you comply with my questions." Landon threatened.

Vince nodded . Landon sat in the chair beside the bed.

"Are there extra copies of the video you recorded of Rivi and Corey?" Landon asked .

Vince shook his head. Landon wasn't buying it.

"How can I trust you ?" Landon asked . "Corey has it on a laptop."

Vince shook his head. "He must have sheowed you a random video. Did you ever see her face?"

Landon thought hard in long about it. In fact, he didn't see her face at all. "How stupid am I?"

"Corey beat me up after we left Rivi there, he ... ugh wanted to only give me a couple of grand. So I .. ugh tried standing up for myself, but he's much bigger and stronger. Well, he was trying so hard to leave with the cash, he didn't think to take my phone, which was what it was recorded on. I have the only video," Vince turned his head towards a small black bag.

Landon picked it up and reached inside and pulled out a phone.

"The code is 0055. I was high out of mind that night. I watched the video sober for the first time a couple of months ago. I felt fucking sick to my stomach. Truth is, I wish your men had killed me that night. I deserved it. Rivi is good people and that shit was-

" .... I would very much like it if you were dead. You were apart of two women I love very much, being hurt that night, mentally, physically, and emotionally.  You were very much sober when you first made the decision to break into my parent's house. Yes, you probably didn't think anyone would be hurt, but you had bad intentions. You even use to work for my father and this is what you do? So don't play that self-righteous crap with me now. The cops will be visiting you soon ."  Landon took the phone and walked away .

He had 10 missed from Heidi and 10 voicemails.

" Connor was found dead......."

Landon dropped his phone and it crashed into the tiled floor. He couldn't make out anything else she said. He was sure his heart was cut out of his chest. He knew he was dead. He tried breathing but he couldn't. He felt like his vision was fading, he was getting warm, his legs felt weak. The noise around him grew louder and louder, people were asking him was he okay, but he couldn't answer, he could think, he couldn't feel. All at once, everything went dark.

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