1|First encounter

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*. *Authors Notes* ✍🏽
Noah he is very handsome to me so I had to create a character based on his image.
I made Rivi in the image of  Ryan Destiny. She is a gorgeous brown skin girl.


This book isn't suitable for ages younger than 17.
This book will contain drug use
Drug abuse
Adult language and content.
Sexual abuse

I do not in any way condone drug use and I do not in any way encourage it.


Be Original 🗣

Please do not copy my work. If you are an author then you know how time-consuming and draining writing can be. The late nights and early mornings, days turn to weeks and weeks to months and years. Respect my creativity but don't copy it.

That is all 😊

Chapter One

Landon stood on the sidewalk in his black Armani suit, decorated with silver cuff links. He lifted his wrist to check his silver, diamond custom Rolex. The air was cold and still, he should have worn a coat. Whatever, that didn't matter now. The cool air was a comforting feeling, a reminder he was capable of feeling. Women passing by whispered to one another, drooling over him. So, of course the gentleman he was, he waved and winked at them, flashing his million-dollar smile.

Then a Rolls Royce pulled up. The driver stepped out, quickly making his way over to open the door, behind the passenger seat. Landon saw two nude Christian Louboutin, red bottom heels gently embrace the concrete. He then made his way over to the vehicle, reaching out his hand, he felt a fragile hand with white gloves barely cover his. Jenna stepped out the car, she wore a long gold gown with her hair pulled back in a neat bun. A brown fur coat hung off her shoulders, she was impeccable, not a hair out of place. Jenna was like a unique expensive porcelain doll. She was made to be adored, tucked away on a shelf, for all the world to ooh and ahh over.

Jenna locked her arms into his and they made their way inside the theater. "You look beautiful, per usual." Landon whispered in her ear then kissed it.

Jenna blushed. "Thank you."

"Will your father and mother be joining us this evening?" Landon pulled a crisp fifty-dollar bill from his wallet tipping the doorman. The doorman took off his hat bowing. Jenna smiled at him as he tucked the money into his pocket.

"Thank you, Sir. Good evening ma'am. Please enjoy the show."He opened the door for them.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that question." She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Once inside Landon grabbed two cups of champagne off the waiters tray and handed one to Jenna. The Chicago theatre was ancient beauty. Jenna took in the scenery, it was magnificent inside. The ceilings were high and crystal chandeliers gave the room light, giant paintings decorated the walls. He followed her eyes as she watched people walking up the stairs, which were covered with red carpet and dark brown wood on the railings.

"He wouldn't miss an opportunity to sit with the governor and discuss possibly being a candidate next year. My father knows he most likely is the governors number one choice to endorse. Unfortunately, he has to continue to kiss his bottom until a final decision has been made." Landon and Jenna giggled. Landon lifted his glass. "To bottom kissing."
Jenna nodded and their glasses clinked together.

Jenna spotted some friends of hers. Landon followed her eyes. "You go ahead, I need to use the gentleman's room anyway."Jenna smiled sweetly.

"Okay, I will be over there waiting." Landon kissed her cheek and watched her prance across the room like a schoolgirl to join her friends.

He studied all the fancy people, in their expensive attire and accessories. Some faces were familiar smiling at him, lifting their champagne glasses to acknowledge him. His mother was a retired author and English professor. His father came from old money. His family founded Belton Beer. Which is one of the largest breweries in the United States, so he was well known. This was a blessing and a curse.

When he finally reached the hallway to the men's restroom, he heard whimpering coming from one of the stalls. Strangely, it sounded like a woman. Landon gently knocked on the door.

"Are you okay in there?" The whimpering came to a halt. He received no answer.

"Look, I'm not leaving you alone until I can guarantee you will be alright. So, if it's okay with you I will stand here until you come out."

Landon leans his shoulder and head against the stall. Then he heard the noise completely stop and whoever was inside was now standing and unlocking the door. Landon stepped back and turned to face them. The stall came open and...


...her eyes locked with his. The tall handsome, caucasian man, with thick brown hair combed backed, brown eyes, a tiny scar beside his mouth. He wore a black tuxedo, that was finely pressed and shoes that were flawless, not one scuff. He probably never wore them before tonight. His watch looked like it was undoubtedly pricey. Rivi took some tissue and wiped the tears from her face.

"I was minding my own business and from the looks of your appearance, you probably have exquisite home training. Please, leave a lady to cry if she damn well chooses." She brushed past him heading to the sink.

She was certain a man of his caliber had never been spoken to by anyone that way. The women whom he associated with probably knew their place.
Rivi began removing makeup from her purse, she saw him approaching her from behind, through the mirror. He was tall with a slim muscular frame, she wasn't into white guys though. She was positive he wasn't into black women either. Then again, it was becoming more common for interracial couples to date. Excuse her for getting off track but he was a looker.

Well, I'm glad you're oka ... um curiosity though? Why are you in the men's restroom?" He wondered.

Her round bottom set up perfectly, he almost couldn't remove his eyes from staring at it. Her creamy milk chocolate complexion was mesmerizing.

"This is a free country where men and women have the right to freedom of speech. You also can make the very beautiful decision of being completely silent. I saw a toilet I used it ." She snapped pulling him from his thoughts, his wild thoughts. What the hell was he thinking? He shook his head.

Her curly hair was up in a messy bun, with a few strains hanging by her sideburns. Her eyelashes were long, her perfect heart-shaped lips were full with red lipstick. She wore a timeless black dress that hugged her exceptionally well. No curve was left invisible.

"Right, well I'm going to use the toilet I guess while..."

She pulled out a cigarette and lit it, an action that caught him off guard. This place certainly did not allow smoking inside. He stared at her in shock, what was even more upsetting was a woman smoking period. It was a major turnoff, she turned around realizing he was staring at her.

"... oh white boy please piss if you need to, you think I've never seen a penis before?" She yelled blowing the smoke into the air. "I hate to disappoint but I've seen plenty." She giggled.

Landon tugged at his collar. He was uncomfortable by her choice of vocabulary.

"I will just hold it, have a nice night." Landon turned and quickly exited the restroom.

"Suit yourself." She watched him exit the restroom. She rolled her eyes and finished her cigarette. She snickered to herself. Wealthy individuals could be so weak. They got off on making those less fortunate, feel like they were obligated to answer to them. They also loved to make the less fortunate feel they should be grateful to share the same oxygen with them.

Who the hell did he think he was asking her why she was in the men's bathroom? Then turning his nose up at her? Some people really felt entitled.

She's Beautiful her Story is Not  (COMPLETED)🎬Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt