Hunting time

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Y/n's pov:

"I am going to be the reason he can't sleep!" I say and walk up the stairs and to his room.. and he isn't there... I check the rest of the upstairs but nothing. I run fast back down to the others.

"Colby is fine..." I say." Somehow he had to hear what we said and left..."
"Shit... we need to find both Him and Sam." Brennen says.
"How did Colby get out?" I ask.
"Colby is a ninja.. it's amazing how silent that loud boy can be." Elton says.

We all decided to go and try to find Them. Corey and Aaron together. Brennen and Jake. Devyn and Katrina, then me and Elton. I really hope we can find them.. this is straight out of a movie.. if one of them get hurt... I will be mad at both of them!

Elton's pov;

I texted Colby just quick and he actually answered me...

Me: you okay? Where are you!?
Colby🖤: Sorry.. I heard what you guys said and I needed air.. so I am in a park,, I want to be alone just find Sam... please..
Me: okay we will Colby... just be careful okay?
Colby🖤: You 2❤️

"I texted the others saying that Colby doesn't ant to be found.. so we need to look for Sam first." I say and drive.
"You kidding me? You just believe him like that?" Y/n asks me.
"Yes and so should you!" I say back.

I keep driving. Trying to think where Sam could be. Why couldn't he just wait some more minutes..!?!? Just be a little more patient! God damn that boy! I don't understand. Colby should have never have left. Neither should Sam! Colby could have come down but not leave..

"Anything?" I ask y/n.
"No... I am worried.. dead worried." Is the answer she gives me.

How far could Sam have gone? That's a question I forget when me and y/n suddenly see the others and I park my car..

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