He frowns at this information. I had moved your stuff to a room within the pack house but I could have it moved to one of my spare rooms. I live just a bit away from the pack house as I need some down time" he admits. 

I nod my head "thank you, if I have to spend a lot of time around a great number of wolves then I get tired trying to keep out all their wolves thoughts and feelings" I explain. 

"My wolf and I are happy that you are going to be staying with us. I didn't want to assume or push" at which I feel a thrill travel throw me at the news. 

"I will show you my office, kitchen and dinning room then the rest you can explore when you want too. What did you do in your last pack?" he asks 

"I helped out with the young pups that were about to go through their first shifts and helped others that were finding it hard to connect to their wolves. I was also part of the patrols" I tell him. 

"What level are you?" he asks 

"I was in the top training group with all the elite guards and warriors. My Father trained my brother and I from young and we still trained alone with him everyday" I tell him. 

"I will need a couple of days to get my full strength back. but once I've eaten properly I should me fine" I add.  

He nods his head as he opens the door. The smell of cooking food makes my stomach rumble and his eyes sparkle at me as I shrug my shoulders and smile. 

"Maggie here is our head cook and makes sure that all the wolves get good balanced meals" he introduces me to a small round woman in an apron. 

"Nice to meet you love" she says and gives me a hug. 

"Nice to meet you too" Silver feels the sadness of losing her mate and sends her some calming energy. 

"Feeding the hungry masses must be a none stop job. I hope you get time to sit and eat properly?" I say smiling at her.

"I think you can tell I eat just fine?" she says patting her ample stomach. 

We both chuckle at that and I wave at the others helping around the kitchen.  Silver pulls my head around and looks at a little girl sitting in the corner with her eyes buried in a book. I walk over to her and kneel down and tilt my head so I can read the title of her book. 

"Oh, I love this story.  I always wanted to pile up all the mattresses in the pack house and place a pea under them. Just to see if I could feel it under all the mattress," I tell her. 

She looks up and grins at me "me too" she whispers and I ignore the gasps from the others.

"Have you read the book about the wolf and the swan?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"I'll let you borrow it. It is a great book and made me think sometimes, I'd like to be the wolf and at other times I wanted to be the swan" I tell her. 

"My name is Sierra" I add touching her head and stroking it.  

I send healing energy to her. "Amanda" she says shyly 

I smile at her before standing "next time I see you, I will give you that book" I promise and she nods and smiles before going back to her book. 

I walk back to Lucas and ignore all the shocked faces around me.  Lucas smiles and takes my hand.

"I'll show you the dinning room, good day ladies" he says and I wave at them as we leave the room. 

The dinning room is big much bigger than the one I'm use to. 

"How many live in the pack house?" I wonder 

"About a 150 but all pack members can come and eat.  They just have to let Maggie know before hand" he tells me 

"It can hold 300 members. We do two or four shifts if all pack members, within our area come to eat" he adds. 

"That is a lot" I gasp. 

"Altogether with all packs within our land we have 6,000 members plus. Here in the main pack there are just over 1,000 members." 

I nod my head a little numb at hearing just how many members there are. 

"Do you ever gather everyone together?" I ask a little apprehensive about the answer. 

"When we mate fully and you become Luna, we will gather the packs as they will want to celebrate with us. The old and the very young won't come though so, in time we will visit the other packs so everyone can meet you."

I kind of knew that would happen, but just thinking about all those wolves together and their energy is a little daunting. I nod my head swallowing the fear.

"Your office next?" I say looking up at him

He stands in front of me and runs his thumb over my cheek. 

"Don't worry Sierra, I'll be right next to you" he comforts and I smile up at him. 

"Thank you" is all I say. 

"We are mates, that's what mates do" he says leading us from the dinning room and down another hall way and then up the stairs. 

"Luc' darling" we hear and Lucas stiffens beside me. I squeeze his hand reassuringly as we turn to see a blond woman in a tight dress walk up to us. She eyes me with hate in her eyes and I hide my smile.  

She turns her eyes to Lucas and sends what she thinks is a smouldering look towards him. Silver and I feel his dislike of her and her worry about me being present. 

"Luc, I've been looking for you everywhere" she simpers and goes to run her finger down his chest. 

He steps back dodging her finger. "I've told you, I'm busy" he says through his teeth. 

 She pretends to pout "baby.." 

N/A please vote, comment enjoy 😊

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