"Daddy Issues" 6

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DFS: "Daddy Issues"

Chapter 6: Scholarship to Auradon Prep

After the way things ended at the game, I honestly wasn't expecting what would happen the very next day.

"Just dropping off my stuff and heading to the shop," I called as I ran in, but imagine my surprise when I found Jay's coach, Goodness Patrol, and Princey were sitting in our living room.

"Hope, come here for a moment," Mrs. Fruend said as I got into high alert. From the excitement I felt thrumming through Mrs. Fruend, I knew it couldn't be anything bad, but I still felt wary.

"What's going on?" I asked as my body grew tense and I prepared to spell my way out of here.

"We came to sincerely apologize for the behavior and discrimination you faced at our school," Goodness Patrol said stepping up. Were they serious? This had to be some kind of trap...

"And we'd like to show you that's not what our school is about by offering you a scholarship," Princey smiled warmly.

"And with that scholarship, of course, you'll be offered a position in our Tourney team," the coach said.

"Why you guys think my opinion of that school matters, I don't really know," I frowned, "but no thanks. I'm good without it." I looked over at Mrs. Fruend. "I'll be at the shop."

"Hope, wait," Mrs. Fruend stopping me mid turn. I turned to look at her as she turned to the others. "Give us a moment please." Mrs. Fruend went around the couch and met me on the other side taking my hand and pulling me out of the room into the kitchen.

"A free scholarship to Auradon Prep?" Mrs. Fruend said, "how can you turn that down?"

"I don't want to go to that Preppy school," I replied, "I'm perfectly content where we're at."

"Content where you're at?" Mrs. Fruend said with a raised eyebrow in disbelief, "where your teammates rather stand around than help you? Where you and your siblings are picked on by the staff just as much as the students?"

"Feels just like home," I shrugged before I could stop myself.

"I sure hope you guys don't feel that way here," Mrs. Fruend said appalled.

"It was a joke," I replied, "but Mrs. Fruend, how do you know that school isn't going to be the same? You saw the game-"

"Because they're here," Mrs. Fruend cut me off making me look to the ground. She put a hand under my chin and made me look at her. "They wouldn't be here trying to make things right, if that was not the case."

"I-Okay, don't take it the wrong way, but do you really want me going there?" I said before leaning closer and whispering, "they have VKs there." Mrs. Fruend looked over at me incredulous for a moment before her eyes opened in realization.

"Oh, I see what this is about," she smiled, "this is about your little crush on Jay." I looked at her confused.

"Little Crush? No, it was a big crush," I argued crossing my arms, "in fact, he would have been crushed more if the game was actually completed." Mrs. Fruend laughed.

"Not that kind of crush, silly," She said making me confused. "I just don't understand why you would let that scare you away."

"I'm not scared," I said quickly. "Especially of him!"

"There's my girl," She replied, "you know if I let my shyness scare me away, I would never be as happy as I am with my husband."

"I'm not scared," I replied, "I just don't see the point."

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