DSF: Daddy Issues 16

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DSF: "Daddy Issues"

Chapter 16: Knightly Games

"Dre, you're being reckless," I frowned as I had her bound to a couch in Chad's room. She struggled to break free, but her exhaustion clearly had a toll on her strength. Her eyes had dark circles beneath her eyes and her blonde hair has lost its shine. Her skin was sickly pale and lately, she's been hallucinating.

"Hey, I thought you said no more evil-doing!" She said irritated, "I should have never let my guard down with you!"

"I don't think this classifies as evil," I shrugged before turning to Chad. "Don't you think, Blonde?"

"You need rest," Chad frowned in agreement.

"Dre, even with me spelling you to take 30% of my rest and energy, you're still this unhealthy," I frowned, "there's not enough hours in the day for me to rest enough for the both of us." Dre's head hung in frustration.

"Ten years," Dre said, "Auradon Prep has won the Knightly Games ten years in a row. I can't be the one to break the streak. I can't. I need to train."

"If this is the kind of toll that pressure is going to have on you, then maybe it shouldn't be you," I said crossing my arms.

"Hey, that's not fair, he could definitely do it," Chad argued.

"It doesn't matter what you believe," I argued back, "it matters what he believes and if he believes that he has to work this hard for it, then clearly, there's been a mistake somewhere."

"But it's my chance," Dre whispered, "I can't stop. Not when I'm so close. I can't just give up on my dream." Her shoulders began to shake. "Please let me train." I kneeled down in front of her so her eyes could meet mine.

"You've trained with the best sparring partners you can have here in Auradon," I frowned, "Looney-"

"Lonnie," Dre corrected.

"Whatever brought her mom down for a few sessions," I said, "and even she told you, you were more than ready. The only one doubting is you and I can't have you self-sabotaging due to insecurity. So, you're going to sleep and that's the end of that discussion." My eyes flashed at her and her head fell back as her eye lids closed.

"She's going to get us back for this," Chad frowned biting his nails.

"Yeah, I don't worry about consequences till after they're here," I said as I motioned with my hand and lifted Dre with my magic. She floated to the bed. "He's deep asleep, so you're in charge of looking after him. Nutrition and Hydration wise, I'll use my healing magic for, so I'll stop by to help with that, but you need to keep an eye, just to be safe." Chad nodded his head when we were suddenly interrupted. We turned to see Looney barging in with a look of panic on her face.

"We have a problem!" She said.

"What?" I asked placing a hand on my hip.

"The games are in three days," Looney said.

"Yeah, we know that," I crossed my arms annoyed.

"The new rules and regulations just came in," Looney said out of breath from her running, "and the participants have to work hand and hand with their blacksmith to make the equipment and armor they'll be using."

"Why?" I asked.

"To help participants gain knowledge on their equipment because they'll be tested to repair armor similar to theirs," Looney said.

"They've never done that before," Chad said confused.

"I know," Looney said, "we have to wake him up."

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