DSF: "Daddy Issues" 14

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Chapter 14: Reflection

Lia's P.O.V.

My mouth felt dry and my skin felt worse. Pain shook through my entire being as my mind tried to find itself through the fog as I struggled to open my eyes.

"Hols, it's okay, it's okay," a voice far away sounded as a heat ran through me and the howl a bone chilling howl.

"No...no..." realization flooded me in a wave of pain as I shot up in a sitting position and forced my eyes open. "The kids! I have to get the kids!"

"Hols! I'm here! I'm right here!" Someone took hold of me and pain resonated where they touched, but it didn't matter as I fought their grasp and met eyes with Rhea. "Rhea! Rhea!" I reached out and looked her over. "You're okay? You're not hurt? And the kids? Where are they?"

"They're fine," Rhea said, "we're all fine. You're the one we're all worried about. You've been out of it for three days."

"3 days?!" My eyes widening and I moved to stand up and see the kids when Rhea practically used her entire weight to pull me back down and my body too weak to withstand.

"You need to rest!" Rhea ordered holding me down. "I'll bring them. I'll bring them to see you, but you need to rest." I looked around and noticed we were at the treehouse. I looked at Cyrus, who was curled up on my side. "He hasn't left your side since he brought you here."

"I don't remember anything that happened after..." I said thinking of the force of power that resonated in me. I looked at my wrist where my father's toga pin was clipped. He saved us.

"Well, your refresher is on the news," Rhea frowned, "why did you jump into the fire?! I told you what happens to your illusion under that fire! You almost got caught! If it weren't for Golden boy, you would have!" I looked at her confused as she grabbed a tablet from the nightstand and showed me a video as Dre covered me in a white cloud before I became visible, then putting a jacket over me. We disappeared into the building before later the news started broadcasting about Cyrus being a fire dog responsible for the flames and being chased into the woods before evading the helicopter. I'm assuming due to the spell on the treehouse. Why did Dre help me? Wasn't she just threatening to sell me out to the King? Girl gives me whiplash with how fast she changes her mind. I looked at my bandaged hands up to my bandaged arms.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"Well, your three day coma has definitely helped a lot in healing," Rhea said, "but it's still pretty bad. The Fruends believe you're being looked after by fairy god mother thanks to Golden Boy. Since we can't exactly let them see you...We've all been taking turns looking after you."

"Dre knows about this place?!" I practically shouted making Rhea shake her head.

"No, me and the kids, come on, we're not our parents," Rhea said. "Like we'd make a mistake like that. Especially now that poor Cyrus is being framed for those fire."

"That's right," I frowned. Now, that Cyrus was taking the fall, they'd no longer investigate. I'll have to be the one to figure out who's setting those fires. Clearly, its personal and its someone who has knowledge of Phi. Only a few knew of her existence and connection to us. All of them, I thought were friends. I let my guard down and somewhere I let a snake in. But if they thought they could take my family, my new life here, they had another thing coming. But how do you find a snake? It's concealing itself pretty well. I haven't sensed anyone with magic stronger than me. Well, besides the Gods... the Gods! And there's one specific God that hates my father for his betrayal more than anyone. He could easily watch everything from the sky. Does he know my plan to release my father? Why put my kids at risk though? I never thought the almighty Zeus would be such a coward. This just proved I needed my Dad more than ever. Only he could help protect my family from another God. It's the least he could do. After all, its because of his mess that we're stuck in the crossfire. Yes, that'll be my father's condition for his freedom. He has to protect us. It seemed a bit evil considering what he's done to protect us from that fire, but what choice was his family really leaving me? Besides, if we dissected it, the only reason my Uncle Zeus didn't like me was because of him.

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