DSF: "Daddy Issues" 15

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DSF: "Daddy Issues" 15

Chapter 15: Pool Party

Lia's P.O.V.

"You've been doing this day and night, I think you could use a break," I frowned sitting on the railing surrounding the fencing room. Of course, I would know considering I've been clinging to Dre to avoid being alone with Mal.

"I, for one, agree with you," Looney said taking off her helmet completely out of breath, "I need to get ready for the Lake party."

"No, wait, one more," Dre said.

"You might not want to party, but I do," Looney said, "I'm sure Hope would be willing to go a few rounds with you." She tossed up the  sabre to me and I caught it.

"Are you kidding?" Dre complained, "she's like a toddler swinging a foam sword around." Looney simply shrugged as she walked away.

"I definitely have more precision than a toddler," I argued looking at Dre.

"Still won't save you," she said holding her Sabre up. I jumped off the railing and into the fencing arena.

"You're really not going to the Lake Party?" I asked gently tapping my sabre against hers and starting the match. Luckily, the school hasn't updated their Sabre to be made of real Steele, so the percentage of iron in this wasn't affecting.

"And do what?" She replied moving forward to strike me and I blocked. "Go for a swim and ruin what I worked so hard for?"

"You don't have to swim, I don't plan to," I shrugged. "But you overworking yourself like this can't possibly be good. I'm pretty sure you haven't had a single decent night of sleep since I've been here."

"A lot was on my mind at the time," Dre said, "but it's clear now. And I just don't want to let the school down after putting their faith in me." Dre sent the sword flying from my hand. I frowned as my eyes flashed blue as she moved forward to poke my chest. "Hey!" Dre's feet sucked into the ground preventing her from moving forward. "You're not playing fair, you cheater!" I went and picked up my sword.

"What? I'm simply preparing you for how villains fight," I smirked, "they never play fair." Dre struggled to pul her feet out. My eyes flashed blue and she slipped right out sending her crashing forward to the floor. I tapped her gently on the back. "Done." Dre turned and glared at me. I offered up my hand and Dre took it. I helped her up.

"It's not everyday I manage to sneak a trick passed you," I frowned, "if that's not a sign, you need your rest. I don't know what is."

"You just want me there so you can mess with Chad," She said raising an eyebrow at me.

I smirked as I leaned toward her resting an arm on her shoulder, "you say that like I have to do anything to get under his skin. He's so jealous."

"He is not," Dre defended, "he just can't stand not being the center of attention and since I'm his knight, he thinks that my attention is his to have."

"Right, and does he bring all his knights special cooked meals from chefs and follow them around like a lost puppy to their trainings?" I asked making Dre shove me off. "I don't understand why you're acting so clueless about it. Are you telling me you don't feel the same for the little Prince you're training to give your life for?"

"Look, it's just for now, I know Chad," Dre said as she started cleaning the training area. "Once he's bored, he'll find someone else to chase around like a little puppy. Besides, I technically already have a boyfriend."

"Oh, let me guess," I said pretending to think. "Baker, green eyes, brown hair. Not that attractive."

"What?" Dre said freezing in her steps and turning to look at me, "how did you..."

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