Chapter 11: Death Like a Street Rat

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It's been three months that the three villains had me parading around the Isle as an example of what they would do to those who betrayed them. They ran the Isle with extra bitterness and wickedness leaving the Isle scared and in a panic. It's like they felt they had to show they were still the top around here despite the fact that Mom abandoned them to their fate. They thought taking my powers and chaining me would make me submissive, but they thought wrong. They forgot about my will. The punishment was so worth it when the cost of doing it was losing myself.

"She's still not doing it!" Cruella shouted tossing me to the ground. I opened my mouth to cry out in shock, but not a sound came out as I went crashing down onto the cement floor.

"Bring her here," Evil Queen stated stirring her cauldron. Cruella grabbed me by the chain around my neck forcing me to walk or be dragged toward her. I reluctantly stood. As soon as I was in arms reach, Evil Queen grabbed me by the hair in my head and forced me to bent over the boiling cauldron. I closed my eyes against the seething heat radiating from the liquid. I wrapped one hand around my hair and another around her wrist trying to lessen the stinging pain in my head. The iron around my neck blistered and burned my neck I could feel the pop of the bubbles rising in the soup as it boiled. My skin itched and vibrated with pain not standing the heat touching my skin. "Don't forget who's in charge here, you little brat! Will you obey?" I shook my head no before spitting into her stew. I closed my eyes ready for the pain for when she'd shove my face into the boiling stew, but instead she slapped me across the face with her sizzling laddle sending me crashing back. I caught myself on the wall. I just faced the ground as I felt the skin of my cheek begin to blister.

"I'm really getting tired of her little rebellious slave girl routine," Cruella complained, "she doesn't even do things right."

"We'll have Jafar take care of her when he gets back," Evil Queen replied as she continued to stir. "I'm exhausted of her attitude as well." I sat on the balcony floor staring out into Auradon. What happened? Are they okay? They must have been spelled or brainwashed. They wouldn't just abandon me to my fate like this, would they? No, no they wouldn't. Something must be wrong. There had to be. I know my family. They would never do this to me. I brought my knees up to my chest before wrapping my arms around them. I spent most of my time when I was left alone looking out at Auradon thinking about them. They were all I could think about. I just wanted to know if they were okay. Some kind of confirmation. I mean I know the three said they betrayed us, but a part of me didn't believe it. They wouldn't leave me here. Would they? What if that's what they were made to believe, but in reality, they're trapped somewhere worse than here? My stomach did an awful knot feeling.

When Jafar came back, Evil Queen and Cruella told him about what they have decided. I stayed seated in the same spot and same position not caring about what they talked about. I continued to stare at Auradon. If there was only some way to go through the barrier...or at least get some more information on Auradon like them possibly having another prison. Jafar stepped out onto the balcony.

"Come on," He said. I stayed quiet and didn't bother to move. He grabbed my chain and gave it a hard yank sending me crashing to the side. "What?! Are you deaf?! I said come on!" He took hold of my arm and forced me onto my feet as he tightened his grip on my arm. He pushed me and I went crashing into one of his goons, mom's ex-knuckleheads. Two of them took hold of one of my arms and began to practically carry me out the door as Jafar detached the chain from the wall using the key to unlock the lock on it. I let my body relax and go limp so that the guys had to carry all of my dead weight. My body was weak from the malnutrition I suffered through these past couple of months. They wouldn't feed me, so I'd have to steal a few table scraps during dinner. If I was caught, I'd get punished. Not that it mattered, my hair was losing its shine, my skin has become a lot more paler. I couldn't sleep with the way Evil Queen snored causing bags under my eyes and making them look sunk in. Plain and simple, as much as I tried to protect who I was, I think I lost her in the first month. Maybe, I was nothing without my magic. Maybe...that's why the others never came for me. Mal had magic of her own now, why need me right? Is that why I'm still stuck on the Isle? They don't find me necessary anymore? The wind was stronger from the high altitude of the hill we were on. There were others gathered around. They had followed down from the streets as Jafar shouted at them to follow as I tried to scream with no avail as I fought the grip of the goons holding me against my will. Another goon wrapped a chain around my legs as another held them together no matter how much I tried to pull them away only managing to get a good kick in his face and causing him to gush out blood from his nose. I slammed my head back catching another off guard making him release me. I did a round house kick knocking the last one to the ground. I lunged to attack him, but Jafar suddenly pulled on my chain making me fall back. I was ready to stand and charge at him, but I was suddenly tackled down and pinned to the ground with my face stuck in the grass. I struggled to wiggle and squirm with the big husky gorilla man on top of me. I was not ready to die yet! I don't even know if they're okay. I have to know they're okay! The man released me when they were done. Chains were around my ankle holding my feet together and it felt impossible to separate them. The rest of the chain was wrapped around a boulder. I struggled to break off the chains.

"Let her be an example to those of you who think of betraying us!" Jafar shouted to the crowd. I looked over to the fearful looks. I watched people move out of the way and I watched Gill, Uma, and Harry appear in front of the crowd. "Goons, the boulder!"

"No, wait-" Harry started, but Uma put an arm in front of him to block him from thinking of doing anything. Jafar motioned for his goons to stop as he turned to look at Harry.

"Oooh...will that hurt?" Gill asked frowning.

"Would you like to join her?" Jafar smiled.

"Do what you have to with her, but not him," Uma spoke glaring at Jafar. Her voice constricted and hard as she glared at me. "We don't care for her. She's not part of our crew." Uma looked up at Harry raising an eyebrow. Harry looked away from me before looking at Jafar and nodding his head. Uma looked over to me and I couldn't look at her. I knew we had our falling out, but I would have stood up for her if the tables were turned. I guess in a way or another, I've always still considered myself her friend. I just forgot that she wasn't mine. So, yeah, I wasn't going to lie, her words did hurt.

"Then continue," Jafar said. My heart was racing as I struggled to fight the goons pinning me down as three others began to shove the boulder right off the cliff. Panic and fear filled my body and I closed my eyes as I felt the men loosening their hold on me as we all knew it was coming. I hadn't realized I'd been waiting for him to come until the moment I felt the chain pull on my feet and my mouth letting out what should of been a cry of surprise, but ended up being nothing but silence: Jay. I dug my nails into the grass trying to lock me in place, but the weight of the boulder easily surpassed that of my strength dragging me off the cliff leaving my scratch marks etched on the grassy hill of the cliff. I stared at Auradon all the way down.

Despite the strong wind against me, it felt like I was falling slow motion. Either that, or it was a really long fall. I didn't want to die. I couldn't die yet. I just wanted to know they were okay. Something had to happen for them not to come for me. All my life when I wasn't ever able to hold in my fear, Jay had always been at my side to hold me up through it all. What I couldn't show Mal, Jay helped me hide. It was almost like there was an alarm on my heart that Jay always heard to come put out the fire. The fact that he wasn't made one thing clear: something was definitely wrong.

The water was chilly, but the water didn't seem so hard considering the boulder broke the surface. I fought to break free from the chain as I held my breath still struggling. As the boulder continued to drag me down to the depth of the sea, the chain around my ankles eerily began to feel like cold bony hands pulling me down. My heart began to pound harder as the light of the sun began to disappear behind all the lost souls now crowding the water. No matter how hard I yanked and I pulled away from everyone trying to grab at me, I couldn't break through. I closed my eyes tight. Not the river! Not the river! They're not real! The souls are not real! Focus! Focus, Lia!

'In my most desperate hour, please come forth my greatest power!' I thought in my head trying to focus and magically conjure up some of my magic back. Honestly, how very original of Jafar. If this didn't work on his street rat problem, it sure in the apples wasn't going to work on me. I refuse. 'In my most desperate hour, come forth my greatest power!' I wasn't sure what I expected to happen, but I expected at least something to happen. I couldn't die. It was not the time to go stay with my father permanently. I needed to know about my friends and my sister. My eyes stung and my lungs were slowly getting a burning sensation as they begged for air. I was really wishing for that genie right now. Not that I'd be able to voice my wishes. My sight was blurring in, but I wasn't sure if it was because of all the souls, the water, or if it was just me. I knew it was only a matter of time before death overcame me.


'What are you so scared of, huh?' His words reminisced in my head, 'you got me, don't you?'

I still got you, don't I...? So where are you?

My vision began to blacken as I struggled to focus on the grey figure coming my way through all the restless souls. I slowly began to lose consciousness.

'I never was the type to turn my back on family,' a male's voice sighed in my head as I slowly faded out, 'Don't say your uncle doesn't do anything for you.'


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