DSF: "Daddy Issues" 11

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DSF: Daddy Issues

Chapter 11: Go the Distance

Lia's P.O.V.

I woke up in a white toga dress laying on a chair in someone's patio with the view of crops.

"What am I doing in a vineyard?" Dre said startling me. I turned to look at him lying in the same kind of chair, also in a dress but white, although his could have been for a boy as it was more boxy than mine. He turned and looked at me and immediately the blame was thrown. "You did this!" I rolled my eyes as I struggled to get up out of the chair in a long dress. Dre got out of it fairly easily. "Take me back!"

"How? Genius! I don't even know where we are or how we got here!" I retorted taking in my surroundings.

"Yeah, right," He argued, "this is obviously you trying to keep me from talking to King Ben." I stopped in my tracks. That was a great idea. This place is clearly magical. I could feel it in the air. First, I find a way home. Second, I leave Dre here. When I get home, I just say, I escaped and Dre sacrificed himself. He'll be known as a Hero and everyone who knows Dre won't even put it passed him. I thank the villain who did this. I'm so close to convincing the King to opening Auradon Prep scholarships for Auradon orphans. It's the only reason I've been acting like their best friend and accepting invitations. But how do I get out of here? I began walking toward the field. "Hey, I'm talking to you."

"And I'd hate to make you repeat yourself," I said walking further. "Figure this out for yourself."

"All work, and no play, make children such a bore," a voice behind me spoke. I turned and looked at the short old man in a white yoga and red cape. His purple hair curled like little grapes wrapped around his head like the green leaf crown he wore. "Leaving so soon? The Vine of Dionysus celebration has just begun."

"You're Dionysus," I said stepping toward him. A chance at another blessing...although, I wasn't sure what his blessing would unlock for me. "Why'd you bring me here?"

"Well, is that anyway to greet your older brother?" Dionysus said raising an eyebrow.

"Well, how does one greet a brother that's never bothered to make an appearance  before?" I said crossing my arms.

"Hmm, see this is the problem," Dionysus frowned, "you're too bitter to enjoy the leisure of life. Look, at the little one living it up and then I see you. I couldn't let it continue like this. That's why I brought you here." Little one? What little one?

"So what am I doing here?" Dre asked.

"Well, you can't destress without the stress," he said. "I'm already getting the attitude imagine if you weren't here. Ugh, just imagining it is making my head hurt. I need a drink."

"Where are you going?" I grumbled following after him as he was walking toward the house. A wave of warmth passed through me as I passed the doorway and then screams and cheers resounded. The other side of the doorway wasn't a house.

"What in the..." Dre said following behind me staring at the street where many people were dancing and music was playing while drinking out of gold chalets. Dionysus was already getting his cup filled across the street.

"Hey! You can't just walk away!" I yelled after him, "what do you want me to do?"

"You want me to tell you to do something?" Dionysus questioned as he took a sip of his drink.

"Isn't that what this is about?" I said, "you want me to prove something to you, so I can have your blessing?"

"My blessing?" Dionysus said, "if you want it, you're more than welcome to have it. You have my blessing." I opened my mouth to argue, but the words got stuck with my shock as a warm feeling spread through me. He unlocked a limit in my magic.

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