DFS: "Daddy Issues" 7

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DFS: "Daddy Issues"

Chapter 7: Best Interest at Heart

Lia's P.O.V.

"What are you scared of?" Jay smirked, "I got you, remember?" He took hold of my hand and pulled me toward Mal, Evie, and Carlos.

"Cause we're rotten..." Mal smiled putting her hand out with the others as they all looked at me expectantly. I looked at them and looked back toward my kids. They were all laughing and goofing off. Carefree...happy...did we do it? We made it...

"To the core," I smiled as I placed my hand over theirs.

"To the core!" They shouted back. The group dispersed and started running. I looked at them and looked back at the kids.

"Come on," I shouted at them beckoning them to follow as I ran after my sister and friends. It was strange. One moment I was following them, the next, lightning struck, and I tripped. When I looked around, I realized we weren't in Auradon anymore...


I opened my mouth to speak, but not a sound came out. My heart pounded in my chest as my breathing quickened. No...not again...

"I'm sorry, Lía, but you're just not fit for Auradon," Mal said. I turned to look at her and the others standing outside the barrier. I felt a familiar weight on my ankles. No, wait!

"You're better off here," Jay said.

"Where you can't screw things up for us," Carlos added.

"We like it here and we don't want to go back," Evie frowned. The horror on my face was hard to hide as the tears reached the edge of my eyes. I looked at Jay. Why can't I speak? Jay! Don't leave me here like this! You said I got you! You said-

I opened my mouth to scream as the chains around my ankles yanked and dragged me away. My fingers scratched at the floor trying to fight it's pull as it pulled me into darkness. The chain stopped and it was too dark to see anything. Tears ran down my face as my body trembled. I pressed my face against my arm as I cried. I don't understand...

"Lia..." my father's voice resounded from around me. Dad... "what have they done to you?" I looked up to see him standing before me. I sat up wiping my tears opening my mouth to talk, but still not a word came out. Dad kneeled down pulling me into a hug. "If only I could protect you...if only I weren't locked away..."

I woke up feeling more exhausted than when I fell asleep. It was barely becoming dawn. I sat up trying not to bother the children sprawled around me. I put my hand on the nightstand to hold myself steady as I maneuvered my body over them. As I stood, I noticed the envelope beneath my hand. I picked it up. It had my name on it. My real name. Panic fluttered through me as I quickly opened the envelope and looked at the letter:

Who would have your best interest at heart if not your father?

The letter and the envelope caught aflame and the blue ember burned the letter into a blue stone bracelet. I looked at the interesting piece of jewelry.

'If only I weren't locked away...' My father's words resonated from my dream. I had to get him out. If not for him being my father, then for our safety. Besides, I couldn't abandon my father the way Mom and Mal so easily abandoned me. I would be no better than them if I did... I slipped on the bracelet around my wrist as I quickly left and headed back to Auradon.

It was strange. As I was riding down the street passing the museum, my bracelet began to glow. I pulled the scooter to the side staring at the museum. So this is how you answer my prayer, Dad...well, let's see...

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