A Lovely Trip part 3

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"Are you sure I'm holding this thing correctly? I don't feel safe doing this,"

"Trust me you're doing good so far!...get into the stance I showed you before and you do your best to dodge."

"That doesn't sound reassuring," A tired Brunette sighed to herself. With slow by tensed movements she resumed a defensive stance once more. Her chocolate colored eyes became locked with emerald green. Bringing the Short Sword to her face before extending outwards towards her opponent ahead.
Lowering her herself, her right foot sliding across the dirt to be located parallel behind form her front left foot. She bent her knees slightly and arched her torso forward. The windy day didn't even affect her as her hair blew violently in front of her vision. She didn't need to see, only prepare.

"Are you ready!?," Izuku called out over the blowing wind.

"Ready as I'll ever be..." Without anymore dramatic pause, a burst of speed he closed the distance between the two, now, his mighty Axe Rhittha, a blur as it swept up downwards at Uraraka. It sliced empty air, barely missing the edge of her shirt as she sidestepped. Uraraka held her breath. Izuku shifted his weight and his Axe responded, flashing right after Uraraka. He had her on the defensive, already. She blocked blow after blow, sometimes getting Lostvayne up at just the last instant to maybe land a perfect parry.

'Ever time I parry his attacks he just keeps coming, I don't even have the chance to counter...FUCK!!'

How could she get around him? Maybe using seduction tactics could prove to be useful? After all the boy is one horny mess....no she couldn't. She must not use her natural gifts just yet, when the time is right.

Izuku's barrage of blows drove Uraraka back, step by step, until he had her cornered. When her back was against a large boulder, he locked his Axe against her Short Sword and pressed until she was trapped by her own weapon.

"Never let a battle turn to a contest of strength." Izuku dropped his stance and backed away. "You will always lose yourself."

Uraraka swiped her arm across her forehead. "Where did you learn such wise words? Didn't think you were so wise,"

"Well being around Smart Ass people daily really boosted my confidence with knowledge they barely can comprehend," Izuku shot back with a sly smirk.

The expression on her face might have been a scowl, if she couldn't keep her own growing tug at her lips. With the way she was standing, somehow looking down her nose at him in spite of being a foot shorter, it just looked like dignified distaste.

"Comprehend? Don't flatter yourself sweetheart, your pride is blinding you from your ego."

Izuku studied her, as if trying to decide whether or not to disagree. He seemed to decide against it. "Well your opinion will always be proven to be false. Come. Come at me."

They spared again with similar results. Uraraka ducked and dove, putting increased effort into not being cornered, but he did it anyway. Izuku was always right where he needed to be to press on the attack, luckily he baited her in a couple times much to her embarrassment.

"The best defense is a good offense. Put your back into it!"

Again they went, this time Izuku drew her into the offensive. Lostvayne spun, pressing every advantage. This time it was Uraraka who bore down on Izuku with fire in her eyes; She could hardly follow the flow of movements as she drove him back toward the wall, one step at a time. For a moment, it looked as if she would win.

Or she thought.

Then He slipped out of the way as if he had simply been testing her strength. He shrugged off her next strike, his expression never changing, and in a flash he was behind her. If she had been breathing, Uraraka might have screamed. Izuku's Axe moved around Her like a living thing. She only barely got the end of Short Sword up in time before it cut into her collarbone. The sound of metal colluding left a jittery feeling among them.

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