Mall Incident: part 2

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'Why is she here? Death quickly figured out that she  had come looking for her- Well to be fair she had had been gone for a while, after all. The blonde probably was bored and ready to leave. Death shudders with excitement as she feels the overwhelming killing intent radiating off her small frame. Her crimson eyes held no fear but only rage; nails growing sharper with each passing second. Toga hunched slightly and Death was reminded of a predator ready to pounce on prey. She was the prey.

"Toga, it's okay! Don't come any closer, I'm fine!"

It wasn't clear though, if Toga even heard him. She didn't react to what he'd said, and seemed to be doing to total opposite, taking a forced step closer towards the hostage and his captor. Instead of turning around and running away, without a trace of intimidation or fear, she glared at Death, and made a tight fist with her right hand, what looked like blood running down her knuckles onto the ground.

Izuku knew that it was something very different to be fearless, and he wanted to yell at her to stop, and to just get out of here before the Horseman hurt her, but a clench in his throat left him unable to speak again as Death watched in amusement. A second later, Toga's hand reopened, a pool of Blood dripping from her skin, dripping through her fingers and creating droplets on the floor below her. A animalistic growl was emitted from her.

She glared right at the Horseman and spoke with gritted teeth. "Let him go....Death! Now or I will rip your fucking spine out!"

"Sorry, young Toga!" Throwing her hands in the air and laughing as she did so, Death instantly let go of Izuku, and stood up at the same time, an action that caused Izuku to get knocked onto the ground, away from the Magic user. "I didn't realise he was here you know? I guess I got carried away!"

"We made a damn fucking deal you wouldn't go near him until our boss comes to agreement when you master shows up." Declared the Blonde fury, her Bloodlust was getting the best of her as she got ready to strike the taller women. She wasn't going to get away with trying to do what she was going to do to her Izuku!


Her attention was quickly caught by a coughing Izuku, whom had his hand firmly gripped around his wounded neck. She could see trails of crimson blood running down his hands from the deep wounds in his neck. Struggling for breath, but forcing himself to speak, he managed to wheeze out a single word towards her.


Her actions had caught the attention of multiple passing bystanders stopping and staring at the crazed girl who looked ready to cause a riot. Izuku was the only person who was capable of understanding the danger that this posed, but if toga kept calling attention to themselves then all hell will break lose.

"Please..." He looked at her, pleading with his eyes but laced with confusion as well. "It's not worth it.."

"Awww, I was really looking forward to beat you down little girl..." Death muttered, making her way through Toga as she passed her. "I can't wait until you return back to the ready" she whispered the last part just barely audible for Toga to hear and....Izuku.

Although she wanted to turn around and strike the Horseman, she couldn't, and stopped using her Bloodlust. Quickly, she ran over to her dazed boyfriend, helping him sit upright, and trying to help him feel more comfort in whatever way possible. "Why are you even here? Are you ok!?"

Though he felt like he'd just was about to die, Izuku was somewhat fine, if a bit uneasy and confused. With his right hand, he gave her a weak peace sign to indicate that he was fine, technically speaking. Breathing was a very difficult task, his throat dry as copper dust, leaving his lungs feeling like he'd swallowed a mouthful of mud, not to mention the fact that he was drenched in sweat as his clothes were burnt or ripped in a few places due to Sunshine.

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