Mall Incident: part 1

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Tokyo: Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall

It was a beautiful day, Sunlit white clouds dotted the vast blue sky. Upon the breeze was a hint of chilly weather, the air smelled fresh and the sunlight was perfectly shining upon the right places. Overall it was a nice day to go shopping.

"This place really is Chaotic...." Izuku whispered softly to himself as he surveyed the crazed hectic scenery around him. Hundreds of men, women, and children in all shapes and sizes speed up and down the crowded isles, entering and exiting stores either empty handed or with many bags in tow. Izuku did his best to maneuver through the growing crowds, making his way he stopped and noticed the oversized styled texts plastered onto the stores windows and walls, the alluring and dazzling items on display, and the fancy clothes garbed on the posed mannequins. He became lost in a trance at the Bargain sales displayed on the advertising boards. His mind was spinning as he tried to decide where to go and what to really look for. It didn't help when the smell of fresh food hit his nose full force which caused him to clutch his stomach as it growled with hunger..

Shaking his head lightly to clear his senses, Izuku refocused himself, remembering the very reason he had come to the bustling mall. He reached into the pocket of his sweater and pulled out a small tattered note. Written on it was the name of the store he is supposed to be looking for, and unfortunately for him, the store was located on the other side of the mall. Sighing he continued onward. As he made his way up the stairs to the third floor, he could hear the whispers all around him. Some pleasant. Some just creepy.

"Hey look, it's a hunk of meat ready to be taken"

"Fuck he's fine. You think he's single?"

"Hey he looks familiar! Where have I seen him before"

"Look at that tight ass he has, makes a grown women want to break her marriage!

Izuku ignored the wandering eyes that were picking his body apart, it didn't help how even grown men looked his way as if he were a piece of juicy meat. He picked up his speed and made sure no one was following him. He became more aware of the term "stalker", seeing that some of his classmates reported they ran across some of their own. He became more cautious and did his best to avoid that situation and what it could lead to.

'Man if I did have a stalker I prefer it to be a candy monster, that way I can just eat it over and over....wait wtf am I even thinking'

Finally he reached his destination, Walking over and peering in through the massive windows he observed the inside. The store did not seem all that different from any other clothing store, however he had been assured numerous times it was unlike any he had ever been to before.

While searching for nothing in particular the young hero remembered the series of events that led him to this situation.

Flash Back- U. A. Dormitory

"Wait, you want to shop for Summer clothes?" Todoroki asked rhetorically with a monotone look as he pulled up a chair and sat beside the tired Izuku. Both boys were dressed in their casual clothes and sat somewhere alongside the windows overlooking the track fields .

"Well, actually just clothes that are Heat proof or Resistant," he replied sheepishly, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head. "The combat undershirts and pants I bought from this buyer didn't really last long, and I need some boots and other things too."

He wasn't sure whether the reason for so were his ever increasing muscle mass or just his Sunshine getting stronger, through a combination of both seemed the most likely. His smile increasing ever so slightly, Todoroki raised a single finger, peering at his classmate with a single eye opened.

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