A Taste Of Love And Power:Part 1

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Izuku groaned in his sleep, his Mother sure was loud from the other side of the door, to make his point she knocked loudly on it several time's just to see if would wake up from it.

"Damn...what time is it" Izuku was looking for his phone among his sheets. Last night he accidentally broke his alarm clock because it went off out of nowhere in the middle of the night which scared the living shit out of the boy who decided it was a good idea to throw Rittha at it. He looked over his phone, it was 7:30Am, he still had about 1hr 30mins to meet up with Toga at the train station.

"Aww screw it, the early bird gets the worm" With a groan he jumped out of his comfortable bed, making his way out his room to the main restroom down the hall. Upon entering He examined himself over in the mirror, taking his clothes off for a better view; large purple bruises were all over his body he flinched at the sight of them, almost puking up as they were discolored and the veins were greenish. He received these from his sparring with Escanor yesterday.

'who knew the old man could pack a punch....jesh' He thought as he was impressed of the remaining strength of the former Sunshin user.

"So this is what Escanor was talking about Sunshine Healing and damaging me" Izuku felt his ribs reforming slowly as Sunshine was healing him but at the same time damaging him internally since his human body couldn't withstand the full might of it.

"Well it doesn't matter anyways, after all I am a supreme being" flexing his swollen biceps in the mirror, he relished the Tightening, bulging of it as glistening in the artificial light.

A laughing Escanor boomed outside as well saying something on the lines of "Teens are so weird".

"Yes ma'am". The sulking boy proceeded to take a cold shower.


Train Station

"Excuse me ma'am....Sorry sir...".

Izuku quietly apologized to just about every person he moved past, though most of them didn't even seem to care as they were in a hurry like him. The Teen was getting somewhat annoyed as he hurried along, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the people around him. Looking back on it he felt somewhat triggered, why was a train station so damned packed. Granted the fact, he hadn't been on the train in year's so he wasn't familiar with what days were busier than others. Not to mention it's the first day of the opening of the Fair so that would explain everything.

He was dressed in A well fitted black long sleeved that hugged his muscles beautifully, dark blue jeans, and steel toe brown wolverine boots, he had also brought his messenger Bag just in case he needed it, the bag was full of snacks and extra money thanks to his Mother who still couldn't believe he was going to meet up with a girl.

"Man I swear why do I always feel like a piece of meat in public". Izuku tried his best to ignored the hungry stares he received from all around, he could hear faint whispers about his appearance and most of them were from older women as they licked their lips slowly, taking in the sight of the young buff teen.

"Man people sure are thirsty" He finally made it to the center of the ticketing area. Waiting patiently for Toga to arrive, He was 10 mins early after all. Sitting down on a nearby bench he decided to whip his phone out and Play Smash Bubble- A mobile Game featuring All Might.

Speaking of All Might he did called Izuku last night to warn him about the drawbacks of using One For All since his body is not really trained to handle the shock force. Not to mentioned him and his idol talked for hours about Heroes and more of their own past. Izuku learned a lot more of the new power his possess; only issue is that it still hasn't made it self known yet. Maybe later on today he can train after all this....hopefully.

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