Sports Festival

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"Are you sure that was their names?"

"Yes, and I technically fought War, kinda won but lost at the same time...let's just call it a tie"

"This is bad..if the Horseman are here then Lilith is not far"

"The Horseman? So what are these guys? Are they like her minions or something?" Izuku Groaned out the last part, he was sitting on the balcony with Escanor, both were enjoying the full moon. Izuku was surprised Escanor didn't freak out when Izuku told him the news, Escanor had already had a terrible feeling for weeks that they were already here.

"The four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse were once part of the seven seals of heaven, each seal was a representation of a great disaster against the human race, the supreme deity created these seven seals incase if all humans failed her and became evil, only four out of the seven were realised, The four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively in that order. The apocalyptic vision is that the four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment from the heavens above" Escanor paused as he glanced over at Izuku, he was writing in his notebook all the information Escanor was telling him which was odd but I guess it could be handy.

"Please tell me more about this" Izuku was fangirling over it, in truth all this was like a movie for him. He managed to change into comfortable clothing, thank god his mother was asleep in her room because she would freak out to see him all battered up like this.

"Well Conquest is their leader, War is their powerhouse, Plague Is the trickster and Death...well you can't escape her easily when she's taking it seriously..Lilith freed them from their shackles in heavens gate and now they rain terror over the human kind from all different world's"

"Wait did you fight them? How was it?"

"Well, their the reason my team died and the holy knights" Izuku felt ashamed for asking a stupid question like that, he hung his head down until Escanor continued " The strongest one is Death believe it or not, she is on par with Lilith on Magic terms which is crazy, and Conquest is the weakest one but don't let that fool you, his knowledge in tactics and combat make up for it; Also if they're here in this world then that means Lilith is not far" Escanor sighed in frustration, he leaned backwards against the door, he was reliving his past which was painful. He felt a hand on his arm, making him look back over to the teen.

"How long do you think we have?"

"Weeks, maybe months hopefully enough time to complete your training; We need to tell All Might About this, he could help big time"

"Yeah that's a good idea and guess what.." Izuku stood up, he stepped a few feet back and closed his eyes, even though his bones were hurting he mustered through the pain, he remembered those words Nana told him and his purpose. He channeled A small portion of One For All into his right hand, it swirled fiercely with Red Lighting, his veins grew brighter as his muscles tightened. He concentrated the power surge into his index finger, he faced outwards of the balcony and stretched his hand into the sky.

"Izuku whatever you doing" Escanor stood up, he was cautious of Izuku was gonna do, he can feel the pressure of this energy being channeled into his hand and it gave him warning signs left and right.

"Just watch old man"

"Wait I don't think that's a good id... "

"PIERCING STAR!!" Izuku flicks his Index finger to create a powerful wind pressure shock wave into the sky, the force along shooked the Apartment and neighborhood as gusts of heavy wind flooded the area, Izuku and Escanor were pushed back a little from the pressure of the attack. They covered their faces but what shocked them was that Izuku's attack was still going into the air. It pierced through several clouds in the sky and all the way into the atmosphere, Almost like a bullet shooting through paper.

The Legend Of IzukuHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin