First Day of Being Awesome

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Izuku's Apartment 3Am- 

Izuku stirred in his All Might limited edition Plus Ultra bed, He was suddenly awoken by the A/C unit going off outside his window. He rubbed his eyes and slowly look around his room, noticing his All Might Night Light was flickering wild as usual due to the lightbulb being old…but Something was off.

"Wait!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!" Izuku yelled as he fell off his bed and ran out of his room towards the living area. He Started to examine himself in the large Mirror that sat next to the couch.

"My face? I thought…..wait what happened... to Escanor?" He was muttering under his breath as he was looking over his body for the slight bruise or any sign from his beatdown with Bakugo. His clothes, he noticed he was in his 3rd Issue All Might Platinum PJ'S you can only get through a private top 20 fans convention center. Why the hell was he in these? He doesn't remember changing into them.

"IZUKU MY BABY WHERE ARE YOU!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Inko ran throughout the apartment looking for her baby boy, she finally found him in front of the mirror with his Top off and halfway down PJ pants, she can see his All Might "I Heart The Hero" undies.

"M..m.other…What Happened" He was nervously sweating.

"MY BABY COME HERE!" Inko went and bear hugged Izuku into a tight grip while unloading a flood of tears all over his bare chest.

"Mother I'm not little anymore remember, you don't have to smother me" Izuku said calmly as he patted and rub his mother back softly.

" you had me worry I thought you died or something ...DID YOU HAVE ANOTHER NIGHTMARE ABOUT THE BOOGEYMAN!"  She kept smothering the poor boy until he became dizzy from too much love.

After a few minutes Izuku waited for his Mother to calm down, she finally relaxed. Together they walked to his mother's room, telling her everything would be ok and nothing to worry about. Inko at first didn't buy it but surely she did had to trust in her son after all because she needed to be supportive about his new situation (hint...hint)

"Goodnight Mother, don't let the bed bugs bite" Izuku said as he was about to exit the room.

"Wait...Izuku I almost forgot, tell that gentleman ...what was his name again I think...Oh yeah Escanor. Thank him  for bringing you home...Last night" With That Inko drifted off to sleep as she slept in her Limited Edition Sailor Moon PJ's. Continuing her dream of Her and All Might in a Jacuzzi.

"What the hell...Escanor brought me home? But how?" He was pacing fast towards his room, finally entering he shut the door as quiet as possible making sure not to make another loud noise to freak his mom out. He made his way to his cluttered desk, he pulled out his notebook and started writing his thoughts down, and the events that led up to meeting Escanor.

"Escanor I need more information from you, I need more details and most of all...where are you" Izuku looked at his window as he gazed at the beautiful full moon. He wondered where the Hulk size man was and how he brought him home.

5 Miles away At a 24/7 Dinner-

A lanky but fairly built man was toying with his straw, here and there he took small sips of his chocolate milk while reading the newspaper, still deciding on if he wanted to play the crosswords or not.

"Sorry about the wait hun, we don't get many people around this time so the cook gets kinda lazy but rest assured we make the best pancakes and steak around here, I even added extra bacon" The waitress placed a large pancake platter and steak platter in front of him. 

"Thank you very much and trust me the wait is worth it at the end" He said quietly in a gentle warm tone. He looked hungrily at the plates in front of him, his stomach was growling with anticipation.

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