"Father?" Lee Shinwoo stepped out and called.

Lee Hwangyang looked at Lee Shinwoo, confused as to why he was here, "Why are you here?"

Lee Shinwoo started walking by Lee Hwangyang's side as he said, "Mother wants to adopt a little girl into the family, her name is Ji Soyu and she lost her parents. She's only six years old, so, I just wanted to inform you."

Lee Hwangyang couldn't help the light in his eyes as he heard about his wife's deeds. "Well, can't be too surprised. She does love children after all. It was always something of hers that made me fall in love with her."

Lee Shinwoo kept an eye on Lee Hwangyang as he began talking about his plans. "So, Father, I wanted to ask you about something."

"Yes, what is it?"

"There is a friend that I wish to find. If it is alright with you, may I leave the base and search for him?" Lee Shinwoo didn't know what Lee Hwangyang's reaction would be but he was pretty sure that he would be calm with this.

Lee Hwangyang spent a second thinking about this. "Well, I would like to say no, but with your abilities, I'm sure that you'll be strong enough to protect yourself. Just don't go for too long. I'm sure your mother would be worried sick and wouldn't allow you to go, so I'm doing you a favor. Leave soon and I'll explain to your mother. You know that she has always been worried most about your wellbeing."

Lee Shinwoo could only smile at that as he replied, "Mother has always been like that. Isn't it the same thing with you too, though?"

Lee Hwangyang raised a brow at that, smirking as he smacked Lee Shinwoo on the back. "You know, one of the best decisions your mother and I have made in our life was adopting you. If it wasn't you, I don't know how different things would be."

Lee Shinwoo looked at the expression on Lee Hwangyang, shaking his head as he replied, "No, I think that I should be the most grateful. If it weren't for mother and you, I don't know how I would be living right now. So thank you, Father. I know that mother would never let me go on this mini mission so I could only ask you first."

Lee Hwangyang let out an exaggerated sigh jokingly saying, "Make your escape now. Your mother has good senses, I wouldn't be surprised if she somehow was able to hear our talk. Goodbye, soldier." As if that wasn't enough, Lee Hwangyang gave a salute to Lee Shinwoo.

"Goodbye, Captain," Lee Shinwoo replied as he returned the salute and began walking ahead.

The building was near the entrance to the base so the walk wasn't far. A shout from behind caused him to turn back.

"Have a safe journey, son!" Lee Hwangyang screamed out as he waved a goodbye, and stood watching Lee Shinwoo walk on forwards.

Lee Shinwoo turned back and made a peace sign with his hands and then continued onwards.

Beyond the gates now, there would be many zombies. Lee Shinwoo smirked at the thought of that. If he was correct, by this time, Kim Jiyoung was still with his family and it wouldn't be long before his step brother tries to kill him.

If that was the case, Min Yongjoon would be close to the place where he and Kim Jiyoung met.

(Fei Shang, give me a backpack some medical supplies, food and drinks. Also, add in some weapons while you're at it.)

[Yes, Host.]

With Fei Shang's cue, a bag appeared on his back. This was really handy.

(Fei Shang, can you give me Min Yongjoon's location while you're at it.)

[Yes, Host. Just give me a second.]

Lee Shinwoo waited, walking past abandoned cars and the empty streets that were once flooded with people. Many of the buildings had been destructed within the short time of the apocalypse, but that was only normal.

Lee Shinwoo didn't want to drive a car. The noise would attract zombies, plus, things wouldn't be fun if he did that. He preferred walking/running and being able to attack the zombies.

And, he had a feeling that Min Yongjoon wasn't that far from this place. It was just a gut feeling, but Lee Shinwoo trusted his gut feelings because they were correct most of the time.

[Host, Min Yongjoon's exact location is 3 kilometers away from here.]

(So close?)

[That is only for now, Host. In day or two, Min Yongjoon will be setting off farther and that's when he will meet Kim Jiyoung.]

(Alright, thank you, Fei Shang.)

Lee Shinwoo watched on as he began picking up his pace. He was a little surprised that he still hadn't met any zombies yet. He wanted to test out his abilities just to see how strong he currently was but it seemed like he would have to wait.

You know, he liked this world quite a lot. He was given full rein for his actions and barely obstructed, he was going to love this.

Lee Shinwoo gave off a smirk that enhanced the contours of his face.

"Why did you betray me?"

"If anyone can kill him, I will grant that person the title, the Lord of Suzhou. He is a person that must be ridden of, his mother is a disgrace to this sect, his father a traitor. No matter if he is next in throne for the sect leader or not, his existence must be dealt with."

"I once fell in love with someone. Unfortunately, that very person betrayed me."

"I'm sorry."

"General Fei Shang, congratulations on your new promotions. I'm sure that your brother is fully happy for your achievements."

"Hah! What a joke! Lord of Suzhou, I had not known that you were such a jester. Love? You must be even more crazy than I am."

"Master Baicheng, what should we do with the sect elders who resist?"

"Kill them. I want to see how long they can try to fight, I want to see them struggle for their fading lives. I want them to die even more painfully than my mother and father when they tortured them to death."

"Baichang, run away! Don't let them catch you! Your father and I will try to fight them off."

"Zhu Luishui, I hate you more than anything else within this world."

Once upon a time, there was a couple that had made a promise to stay together no matter what. They had gotten married with the promise that their love would be everlasting.

In the end, even that promise ended up as forsaken words. Promises were so fickle...

The result of that betrayal, how much was given up?

One of them successfully gained the title needed to protect his brother, but at what cost? Betraying his lover, his husband? Betraying the man whom had become his light, the one whom he had saved.

The other had been utterly betrayed, left with no one else to rely on, no one to help him. He had lost everything, betrayed by everyone close to him, and in the end, even his husband had killed him. This was just his revenge, it was merely him avenging everything that had been taken from him.

Once lovers, now they were enemies.

Love, just how bittersweet was this word?

In the end, who was the real villain?

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