Chapter 4 - Do I Ever Get A Break?, Mistake #2, Strike 2

Start from the beginning

~~Saxon's P.O.V.~~

     I felt and looked like shit. For the past few weeks, I've been laying in bed or out in the woods, looking for my mystery mate. Every night when I would go to sleep, her face would pop up in my head, the face I saw before she turned and walked away with sadness in her eyes and a slight frown. I was brought out of my thoughts when Keith made a mistake of saying something idiotic.

     "Dude! Saxon - whoa, who the hell dragged you outta hell and smudged cow shit on your face?" he asked. That's it! I don't give a fuck if he's my mate's friend or not! I quickly threw a punch at his face, but he dodged it. He was about to punch me, but someone was in-front of me before he could touch me. It was her. My mystery mate. She had her hand wrapped around Keith's fist. He looked shocked to see her pop out of no where and stop him. I really wanted to know how she does that. The only time she shows up is when Keith starts something or when we get in a fight. She was so close that I could breath on her neck. God, she is beautiful. Her scent was like fresh strawberries with a hint of the smell of the woods.

     "What the hell do you think you're doing, Keith?" she asked. Keith looked nervous. Wait, she was sticking up for me? My mate was sticking up for me? Excitement bubbled up in my stomach as I watched the scene in-front of me.

     "I-I...I was was self defence! He almost punched me first!" he whined. My mate sighed and let go of his fist. That's it? She was going to let him off this easily?

     "Keith, I swear, if you start trouble with..., who ever this guy is behind me, then you'll be expecting hell when we get home," scolded my mate. Damn. She's hot when she's feisty. Wait, did she just call me some guy?

     "Some guy?" I asked, frowning. Keith must've noticed and smirked. He walked off with Lucas and that other girl into school.

     I watched as they entered the school. My mate began walking off, but before she could walk off, I grabbed her wrist and turned her around to look at me. I felt the same shocking sensation. My mate frowned and looked down at my hand, probably wondering what's with the shocks. She looked up at me and gasped.

     "Are you okay? You look terrible," she said softly while removing my hand from hers and stroked under my eyes, I knew she saw the dark eye circles. I smiled at how she's worried about me. I nodded my head.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired. Thanks for sticking up for me," I said. She smiled.

     "No problem. Keith is a true idiot. You should go home and get some rest," she said before kissing my cheek lightly and disappearing, again.

     "How the hell does she do that?!?!" exclaimed Leo while throwing his hands up in the air. I stood there frozen, she kissed my cheek. I smiled when I still felt the tingling on my cheek. I did as what she said and went home to get some rest.

     By the time I woke up from my nap, it was slightly dark outside. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked refreshed. My skin was no longer pale, my dark eye circles, gone. By the time I walked outside, everyone was outside, playing and joking around. The little kids were blowing bubbles, the girls would be sunbathing, the guys were playing football, the parents sharing recipes or hanging around. I walked to the clearing where I met my mystery mate the other day, enjoying the nature. I stopped in my tracks when someone grabbed my shoulders.

     I turned around and saw a girl that was in my pack, that also went to school with me. I also didn't miss the seductive smile on her face and how she was dressed in a two-piece bathing suit. She pressed closer and closer to me, which made her breasts look bigger and bigger. I gulped slowly, noticing that she was turning me on.

     "Do I turn you on, Alpha?" she purred. I only nodded my head. She smiled bigger and kissed me on the lips. I moaned when her hand went down to my pants and gripped my manhood. My hands moved on their own, removing the small bikini top from her. I laid her down on the ground and was about to take one of her hardened nipples into my mouth when I noticed the familiar soul-piercing blue eyes a few feet away. I quickly tore my body away from the girl's and jumped off to my feet. Looking at my mate with wide eyes. The girl noticed the extra company and shrieked. The girl quickly pulled on her top and ran away, back to the pack house. The whole time I looked at my mate. Her eyes were filled with pain and sadness. She sighed and walked away into the shadows. I ran after her, but once I reached the shadows of where she disappeared, she was gone. I sniffed the air, trying to catch her scent, but it wasn't around. What the hell? I didn't pay attention to that, the only thing I paid attention to is, where the hell is my mate? I ran around the woods, looking for her, when it reached nine o' clock, I gave up. Why the hell is my mate always catching me with other women? Can I ever get a break? That night I went to sleep with a heart broken...again.

~~Cassidy's P.O.V.~~

     I should've seen that coming. Of course me protecting him from Keith wouldn't matter. My heart on the other hand...was completely torn apart. I sighed, looking up at the starry sky. Why am I cursed with a man-whore for a mate? The human side of me didn't care, but the werewolf side of me howled in pain. It was midnight, I was well aware that everyone was asleep. I was currently in-front of my house, looking up at the sky. Nature was always peaceful, leaving me to think about what happened in the past. I really missed my mum and dad. I wondered how they were doing so far? Are they watching over me? Is my dad thinking how much of an idiot my mate is? I chuckled silently, thinking of how my dad would've reacted to this whole situation. When I was a little kid, my dad was always so overprotective over me. He never let me hang around the boys in his pack, he never let me outside without a pack member or my mum, he made sure I was careful when handling a pair of safety scissors, anything an overprotective dad would do. I smiled when I thought about my mum and dad. I loved them both, a lot.

     I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the front door shutting, carefully. I looked over my shoulder and saw my cousin, Lucas. I smiled at him when he saw me looking at him. He shot me a sorry face while I just waved it off. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

     "Wanna talk about it?" he asked softly. I sighed and nodded.

     "I caught Saxon in the middle, with another girl in the woods," I whispered, my voice breaking. Why am I feeling so weak? Why? I never cared about Saxon, so why am I feeling like this? Lucas had a face with confusion and rage.

     "I thought you said that you didn't like him," he whispered. I groaned and laid back down on the grass, looking up at the sky. I looked over at Lucas and saw him looking at me with pure confusion now.

     "I don't. My human side doesn't give a fuck...while my wolf side is...." I trailed off. Not wanting to complete that sentence.

     "Torn," finished Lucas. I looked over at him and nodded. He laid down by my side and tucked his arms behind his head, looking up at the sky.

     "I understand. Cassidy, maybe you should give him a chance," he said. I shook my head.

     "Why?" he asked. I groaned and collected my thoughts for a good answer so he could understand and leave me alone.

     "Look at it my way Lucas, we haven't even met each other properly, to him, I'm just another mystery girl. He's already hurt me twice, and I don't even know him for God's sake! Imagine what he can do when we're official," I mumbled. I looked over at Lucas and saw understanding flash through his eyes. He nodded.

     "Cassidy, you're so blind. You know him perfectly. Over the past few years when you protected him and his pack, you've learned things about him. He's just waiting for you to let him get to know you," said Lucas. He got up and went back inside the house, probably going back to sleep. I sighed and groaned. Mates are some complicated shit. Is Lucas right though? Do I know stuff about him? I continued my train of thoughts for a few more minutes before walking in to the house and going to bed.

     Mates is some complicated shit alright, I thought, before drifting off to sleep.

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