33. Fire Song

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There she is singing at the edge of the water. Her beauty is one thing and her voice another. Her voice is stunning, it holds your attention easily. But there's a hint of danger and a depth to it that makes me weary of it. I think being the creature I am helps me detect that subtle undertone of what she really is.


Danger to those who are unaware of what she is. To lure ships to crash and kill those on board. To either eat or watch drown. There are some sirens who enjoy to walk among humans and aid. Though when they aid those humans it's more for their own gain like treasure or power. It isn't to actually help the person.

Being part dragon, I am immune to her. Though she does have a certain quality that is breath taking and enchanting, but I am able to resist, unlike others. I lean against the rock as I watch her trace something into the sand.

"I know your there dragon. I can smell your earthy tones." She sighs musically. Something I'm sure would put most at ease and in a trance. Ripe for the picking is what she's trying to do.

She didn't look back at all. I don't doubt that she could smell the earth on me, but I'm sure she heard me coming. I smell more of the salt water here then I do of anything else. I am sure she's used to the salty air and anything else to her is enhanced.

"I am glad your nose is working. Catch any poor souls today? Or you still hoping to catch something with the sun about to set?" I ask her taking my time to walk to her. I sit on the rocks that are gathered near her.

We look out into the ocean. The skies are getting ready for the sun to set. Birds flying here and there, catching food. Its a beautiful sight. Something I should linger on more often when I have a chance.

"Nothing yet today. But I haven't been trying to either. Though I seemed to have caught your eye to bring you down here." She says raising an eyebrow at me. Trying to tempt me she is.

"I had some time I wanted to look out at the sunset while its nice weather. You being here had no bearing on what I wanted to do." I tell her with a wave at the skies.

"I'm sure. Is there anything I can do to help make this evening better?" She asks trying to use her will to bend me. Sirens are merciless when it comes to what they want. She must have set her eyes on me now that I am here. I should have chosen another bank to rest on.

"There isn't anything you can do. Just focus on what you'd normally do without me here. That will be best for the both of us." I say to her a bit harsher than I meant. Hopefully she just continues to do her own thing. She shrugs as she starts to draw again in the sand.

I stare out at the ocean, trying to find some peace. I'm glad the warmth is still holding on. Some lightning flashes on the horizon. I smile lightly enjoying the sight of it. She starts singing again. Its familiar, but I don't know why. She has a nice voice, I guess. But thats the point for a Siren. If she didn't, she wouldn't eat for one and two cause the mayhem that they enjoy causing.

Her voice seems to carry out over the ocean as the wind picks up. The flashes of lightening happen more as well. Is she calling in the storm to bring her some prey or did she find the prey close already?

I see a ship now on the horizon with the lightning strike. Fire and thunder. A song to bring in her prey. Its bringing in the storm causing the ship to come to shore. I feel a lurch in my heart. I inhale a deep breath of the salty fresh air as I smell the faint scent of lavender in it. I shiver at the scent. My eyes flash open. Mate. I look at the siren with a growl.

"Stop your song now." I hiss at her standing at my full height on the rock.

She looks at me with a smile on her face. She wants them to get hurt for her own gain. I can feel my claws trying to elongate to their true form. She stood up herself putting more into her song.

"End it now." I growl deeply.

"No." She says continuing as the storm gets worse.

"Stop it now or I will kill you." I growl again as I fly at her with my wings and claws out as I grip her throat, pinning her to the sand.

"I know who's on that ship. I have something on there I need as well." She croaks. She only grips my wrist as she tries to breath the best she can. We stare at each other, the storm blaring behind us.

"Not as important as what's on it for me. End it now Siren." I yell. I can hear the crashing of the waves against the ship. A roar erupts from the ship as well. Its music to my ears. My mate caught my scent. What I didn't expect was the sound of singing from the ship as well. The musical notes of the song she was singing, being sung back.

"My mate is there too. Something I thought we never had. He's on there too." She says, her voice raspy. I take my hand off her throat and back up. She glares at me as she sits up in the sand. As much as I'd enjoy killing this creature, I can't without retribution from her mate.

Our mates on the same ship. Its unheard of, a myth in itself. Lightning bolts down and hits the ship. Its so close now. The lightning broke the mast, causing a fire to erupt. A figure flies into the sky. The wings stretched out. She got off safely. My eyes tear. As she gets closer, I can see she's holding onto something. Not holding, gripping.

She hurls the body into the ground causing it to slide across the sand as she lands beside it. Growling at it. She's beautiful and elegant, even with that snarl on her face. I look down and its a male, most likely the siren. I stand in front of her and look into her brilliant ice eye. She looks back into mine and her expression softens. She gives me a nod as she knows who I am to her.

"Its nice to see you." I say to her politely. I give her a slight bow.

"And you. I never thought I'd meet my mate. Nor meet a siren on that same day." She says with a slight grin.

"I know that feeling. Lets get out of this weather. I don't want to lose you after finally meeting you as well."

"I'm stronger than I look. You already know that being part dragon yourself Mister. But I'd like to get out of the rain its draining me faster then I'd like." She says as we head away from the ocean. It could also be the fact she doesn't want to see the sirens anymore. But I don't want to either.

Of all the days to meet her, I never thought it would be anything close to this. At least it happened, I'm thankful for that.

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