32. Rebirth

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"Did you see that Lana?" Holly asks noticing the reddish orange burst of flame not that far away. If its what we think then we have to get there before anything or anyone else.

"I did see that. Let's get moving. I don't feel anything near by but that doesn't mean anything. Let's hurry." Lana says, agreeing. They move through the trees easily. Being born as elves they have a natural fluidity with the woods. Their excellent hearing and eye sight helps aid them to know that nothing else was near. For the moment anyways.

They near the site of the flame burst. They could smell the singed grass and a slight a slightly sweet aroma that the phoenix gave off. They slow and look around, weary of what might be around. Though its hard to detect some things over the smell of the ash. A soft brushing noise is detected, but is unidentifiable.

The elves look at each other hearing the same noise at the same time. Entering the open field together, ready to fight if needed, they didnt expect to see what was there. A naga. His serpentine half coiled around the ashes of the phoenix in a protective manner as he faces the elves. His sculpted torso and arms could easily have scared a lesser being, not including the strong, long serpentine half, it didn't affect the elves at all.


"Lana. Holly."

His tail coils more around the ashes of the phoenix. He's ready to fight for the ashes as well. But is it to defend or take? His kind aren't always willing to play fair or nicely with others. His glare is one of protectiveness.

"The phoenix needs protecting. Step aside so we can transfer the creature to our safe haven." Lana says stepping towards him. The wind shifts softly. Of all the possibilities that can happen, lets hope it's for the good of the creature that is going to be reborn.

"No. I am not going to just stand aside and let you take him. He is my friend and I will not move aside." Bo declares. The bond between them is felt between them all. They have a bond that is unconventional. Who knew a phoenix and naga would become friends? Phoenix are loyal to the bone, willing to help others in need, and are pure of heart. So, its feasible.

"He needs more then just your protection. If you want him to survive you should let us help." Holly offers.

"He'll be reborn soon. You don't need to worry." Bo says unwavering from his friends side. This naga is fiercely loyal. Its refreshing.

"Can we help you protect your friend?" Holly offers. With this creature being so rare, no one wants to see one get hurt or face death. Even if some gets one for a trophy, its bad luck.

The wind shifts through the tress and stops abruptly causing complete silence. Wildlife even puttered to a stop. It's happening. All look at the pile of ash. The ashes stir with a flash of orange light.

The ashes move inward slightly in the center of the pile. Bo moves his tail to give the creature space. Every single eye is on the ash as the phoenix's beak pokes through the ash. Then the head of flaming feathers pokes through, followed by the body. He shakes to get some of the ash off and he's absolutely gorgeous with his red, orange and yellow feathered body.

The eyes are a bright green staring out at the world from the body of this baby phoenix. Absolutely magnificent. It's a sight not many get to witness. The phoenix squawks happily as he flaps his wings in a stretch.

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