31. Sleep Over

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"How do you get your tail so soft and poofy?"

"I don't know I was just born that way."

"Well your lucky. It takes a bit sometimes to get my tail as fluffy and poofy as yours." I say swishing my tail back and forth.

"I know. We all have things we are good at. You can walk about with humans without too much issue. If they see me, they freak out or ask for rides. It gets annoying. Why do you think I stay in hiding most of the time and keep to myself?" He says. He is lucky to be able to use his wings to get to places.

"I know. But they think I'm weird for having the ears and tail of a cat. You are a Griffin, a proud, noble creature. I wish I had wings like you do." I say trying to make him feel better. I run my hands along his coat. His fur is soft and silky. Its nice. I hand him some food. He pecks at it easily.

"I know. What's bothering you though Kat?" He asks me.

Its easy for him to be able to hide and blend in when he wants. Or to fly free and feel the freedom of the skies. I'm bullied and looked down on. I frown slightly as I look up at my friend. He's my friend and understands me better then most. But he also knows what it's like to feel different and be hurt for it.

"School isn't easy. My parents don't understand of course. My mom is like me and my dad is human. But they don't seem to see how much it bugs me. I get bullied all the time and pushed around at school because of being different. I just don't know what to do I feel all alone and unwanted." I say as I wipe my nose lightly.

"You're never alone little one. Are you different? Yes. You should never let others make you feel inferior. Unlike you, they won't know how to handle difficult situations, they won't know how to deal with things like you do. You know how to stand out and be yourself, you know how to pick yourself after a fall or being bullied. You get back up and stronger than before. Your growing your backbone now. They may never have the strength like you or the backbone needed in a time of crisis. Your tougher than you think and definitely more tough then they know." He says softly to me as he nuzzles the side of his face against mine.

"I don't know about that Kai." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Unlike them your personality outshines even the darkest of days. Keep that head of yours up or your letting them win. Stand tall and don't let them push you down. The moment you start doing that, they will stop." He says to me wrapping a wing around me giving me a hug.

I sigh softly and nod my head. There's no point trying to argue against him. I know hes right, its just hard.

"Thank you for always being here." I say smiling up to him. He gives a wink and smile.

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