30. Friends

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Of all the things out there for him to make friends with, I never thought Cerberus would befriend a Chimera so easily. Then again, they are both three headed fierce creatures. Cerberus the guardian of the Underworld. The Chimera is a beast of genuine, ferocity. Loyal as well though to those that show it kindness and are honourable.

So, I can see why they became friends so easily. Loyal, unyielding to those who would do wrong and actually quite sweet if they want to be.

Its quite enjoyable watching the two play. Spewing fire and snapping at each other trying to see which head will be targeted next. They also tackle each other and roll around. Thankfully they are doing this in the underworld instead of on earth. They are causing the ground to shake with all of their enjoyment with each other.

Earth would have had earth quakes, tsunamis and an avalanche with this amount of fun. Those who watch can't help but laugh at their playfulness. Its nice to see unlikely friends being able to enjoy the others company and have fun. If only others would do the same instead of choosing to shun or ignore those who are different.

I am glad Cerberus found a friend in the Chimera. This way I don't have to heal myself every time he coughs fire at me.

They play tag. Quite funny to watch them bounding off after each other. Cerberus touching him with his tail and Chimera touches back with his snake of a tail. I know they can't harm each other. But still funny to see their reactions when they blow fire at each other or venom.

There goes the hill as they tumble down and collide with it. I guess a cavern will be good. Just have to remember to task some people to make homes for the dead there. They both come out of the hole sneezing out dirt.

They will be loyal to each other. Even more so now that they have played and gotten to sniff each other out. If help is needed, I know they will call out to each other and aid when is needed. I'm glad they found each other.

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