Chapter 35: Keeping Up With The Puertoricans (Part One: Barbecue)

Start from the beginning

"So, promise me you're okay?" I hug my brother, while he sits.

"I am. Don't worry about me." He says without looking at me.

"Okay." I give up for now. But sooner or later he has to talk to me. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"


Before I started walking to my sister, I stayed where I was, looking at my brother. I sure hope he really is okay.

"Oh my God! You're so beautiful!" My sister Ninoshka embraced me in a super tight hug. She kept screaming like how Kylie does.

"Thank you! You look so skinny, after having Jacie." I giggle.

Her eyes widened. "I know! No one's noticed, yet." She pouts.

"I'm sure it's because the family has always seen you super skinny for so long that even if your skinny now, you don't look the same. You're a mom! Last time I saw you, you had no plans at all. Not even to move to Kentucky." We sat at her table, with her husband.

"Oh my God. So true, girl." She laughs.

"So, yeah. How are you guys?" I ask.

"We're so excited for you. I knew you were going to end up better than all of us." She held my hand across the table. " I always told mom to keep you safe, you're going to be worth a lot." She gives me her 'I-told-her-so', look.

I laugh nervously. "Uh, yeah. I guess you're right."

"So what's gonna happen after this party?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. A lot of people are leaving today. Like Yahaira, her kids, my dad and his family. Actually, the only ones that are staying are aunt Maria's kids and their kids, you guys, mom and my three best friends. Oh and their all going to stay at my house."

Nino's mouth falls open. "What? Your house is that big!?"

"My house is huge enough for about ten, queen size airbeds, yup." I nod, smiling.

"Oh, shit."

Oh shit, is right.

Everyone left after the party. After talking with my sister, we danced, ate and partied for a bit longer, until Rob came out of nowhere on stage, and said, "Thank you all for coming today. I appreciate the help from my fiancé's family. It was a plessure to have met all of you. And you guys don't have to go home. But get the fuck outta here."

Everyone including me, laughed at my fiancé's comment. He's crazy, we all know.

Saying my goodbyes wasn't easy at all. I didn't want anyone to leave but they had to because, like I said to Robert; Not everyone is a millionaire and can diss work whenever they want.

But I have to give him props. My teddy bear is such a wonderful person for doing all of this. Bringing all of my family and friends here. I honestly have no clue how to repay him for this. Robert Kardashian Jr., is the best person is the world. I am blessed to have him all for myself, tonight and every night to come.

"We'll be there for the wedding, baby shower, baby first birthday and everything." Yahaira joked. I swat her arm.

"Whoa, there. You're going too fast." I giggle.

"I love you, Eli." She hugged me. Her eyes filled with tears, Yahaira and her kids hugged me tightly before they left.

I walked to my dad who was still sitting down at his table. He sat with his sisters, brother, niece and nephews.

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