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"I know who did this" I said hoping out the car and quickly Falling. "you are weird" Kelly smiles. "Tom that dickhead" I say.  "Jade" Jay says picking me up. "I'm so sorry" he says with tears in his eyes. "not the time halstead" I say popping up. "Jade you really should get to the ambulance" Sevreride smiles. "not now man I have work to do" I say running to the car backseat. "let's go team" I say and my team all hops in their cars. I lead them to a crack house on 3rd. We go in and I see he's not there. "what are we doing" Bought asked. "my cousin Nick, he'd shoot out my tires as if to tell me he was going to do something bad, but I think someone else who knows him shot out my tires. "this is going to be a long investigation" I state. "alright everyone get home, get some rest and we'll meet tomorrow" voight says. I went home with Jay and sat on the couch. "Jade please talk to me" Jay says sitting across from me. "do you love her Jay" I ask. "what no not at all" He answers with a serious look. "I don't even know if I love you" He says looking down. I nod, "then we're done Jay. For real this time, I'm not going to waste my time" I tell him packing up my stuff. "Jade please don't go" He says. I walk out and start walking, I wipe my tears as I go. I head to Molly's to see Herrmann and some random guy. "hey Herrmann" I smile wiping my tears. "aww sweetheart what happened" Gabriela comes over hugging me. "Jay and I are through" I cry. I sit down. "just a beer" I say to Hermann. He hands it to me and I thank him. "you can stay with Matt, kelly and I if you want" Gabriela offers. "I don't want to be a burden to you guys" I say. "no burden at all" Matt says kissing my cheek. "thanks guys" I smile. We head to their house afterwork and Kelly was chilling on the couch. "hey Kelly" I smile. "hey yes no roommate" He asks. "just for a day or two" I say. "goodnight" Matt and Gabriela say. "come on you can have my bed" Kelly laughs. We go into the room and Kelly sleeps on his couch and I have a bed.
Next day
We all got up at the same time to get ready for work. "hey kid you need a ride" Kelly asks. "yeah my car is still in the shop" I say. I hop in Kelly's car and he takes me to work. I go upstairs and sit at my desk, Jay sits in his desk and I could feel his eyes on me. "hey can you sing" Voight asks. "a little why" I ask back. "you and Jay need to infiltrate a dealer, who's going to want to buy you, you get bought then we free the other girls" Voight answers. "got it" I say. We get changed in club attire. I get to the stage since Jay had me pushed on it. I started singing from the heart.

Jay pulls me over after coming down from the balcony,  he gave the facial expressions of anger but that wasn't what he was feeling. "I'm so sorry jade please" he pleaded. "I need a boy who actually loves me" I say walking off to the balcony. "I'll give you 50,000 for her" the man says. Then I hear voight in my ear piece, "charge higher Jade make an impression". "first off I am not cheap if you want me pay more other wise go flog your log" I say to him making Jay put his hand on my back. "I like her alright doll what do you suggest" He asks. "I have to talk with my boss on that" I say looking at Jay. "alright then be my guest go talk" the man states, Jay takes my hand, pulls me to the mens bathroom roughly since he was watching, locks the door and let's go. "how much" I ask to voight. "1,000,000 and take your ear pieces out their going to check you both" voight answers. We take our ear pieces out, smash them then put them in the toilet. "Jade please baby come on" He pleads. I walk out and we go upstairs "1,000,000" I tell the man. "fine let's go" He says dragging me by my hair and locking me in a room with 10 other girl. It was all the girls who were missing. "got them boss" I tap my necklace which was rigged. They bust through and we get all the girls to safety and arrest the man. We were allowed to go home early, I went to jays to pick up more or my stuff. "Jade just hear me out" he pleads. "no" I say packing more of my stuff. "I was confused but I'm not anymore, you were confused too so what's the big deal" He asks. "your right I'm being hypocrite but I never said I don't know if I love you" I tell him. "I'm not going to waste my time, I'm gonna find a bit who loves me."I love you! I love waking up to you in the morning, I love going to work with you, I love when we watch a horror movie and you get scared and hold me tightly, I love your scent, your eyes, your hair, your smile. I love how your eyes light up when you play with a new gun, I love how jealous you get of other women, I love when you get angry because your hungry, I love how you get frustrated if you have to constantly repeat yourself, dammit I love you" he says making me kiss him. I take his coat jacket off and head to the room.
"I didn't think you realized those things about me" I say. "ever since we met I've felt different around you, especially since our ice cream date I knew you were the one" He states
7 months later
Jay and I have been going really good, I moved in with him and worked everything out. I also found out he was using my shampoo because it smells better than his cheap guy brand. What even is Monat, what kind of brand is that, so I started buying him axe and he loved it. Glad because now he doesn't use all my shampoo. It's the morning and Jay is still sleeping. A good girlfriend would wake him up gently for work but me, yeah I'm not like that. I creep up to him quietly and yell "WAKE UP" he pops up. "Damn" He laughs. "I wake you up so sweetly" He says. "I love you" I smile big. "Yeah yeah" He laughs getting up. He gets ready, then we leave. We get to work and sit at our desks. "Suit up and let's go, we have a bank robbery in progress" Voight says. We all get suited up and hop in our vans. We get there and Jay stakes on the roof. "HEY JADE" I hear a voice inside the bank, I look closer and see Nate my cousin. "GET IN HERE" he yells coming out holding his gun. "He's my cousin Nate who shot my tires out" I say to voight. "Go ahead" He says and I see Jay getting ready to take a shot. I put my hand up. Jay moves his head away from the sniper and looks at me confused. I start walking to the building as Nick holds the door open for me with his gun pointed. "JADE" Jay Yells to me but I keep going. "Hey Nick" I say and he hugs me then he pulls us in and closes the door. I see 2 other males. "Ching, ching there is Lee and the other guy is Tom" Nick says. "Guys this is my cousin Jade the cop" Nick smiles

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