back in the hospital

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"go to work" I say. "Love you" He says. "Love you too" I say back. "Jay" I say before he leaves. He comes back to the room. "Take my car and leave me yours" I say throwing him my keys. "Are you letting me drive unsupervised" He asked. "Just go" I laugh and he puts his keys on the dresser leaving. I get dressed and grab Jay's keys. I see he left his house keys too so I locked his door. I go to my house and unlock the door. "Want to go to the store" I ask. "Yeah" Reggie says getting up. We get in Jay's car and I drive us to a store. "Get what you want" I say. We both throw things in the cart. I pay and we leave. We get to my house and separate the bags. I go to Jay's and put the stuff away. I wash his dirty laundry, fold and put them away. I cleaned the whole house then started dinner. I started serving the plates and Jay was home. "Woah the house looks spotless" Jay says looking around. "Shut up" I laugh handing him his food.

"You really arm my housewife" he chuckled

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"You really arm my housewife" he chuckled. "I did your laundry and cleaned the house then cooked" I say. Then I felt pain where I was shot, I winces and Jay rushed to me. "You ok" he asked. "I'm fine" I say. "I'm going to bring Reggie his food" I say. "I got it, go lay down" He says. He takes the food and I lay down, then Reggie and the puppy came in. He put the puppy on the bed and ice attacked me with kisses. "Hi ice" I hug him. "Did you take your pill today" Jay asks."I don't want it" I say. Jay nods. Reggie and Jay hangout in the living room. Then I put the covers over myself and get some sleep. I wake up to Jay getting in bed. I look at the alarm clock and see it's 12. I feel his arm wrap around my waist gently and him nuzzling his head in my neck. I wake up at 4 in the morning in so much pain. I gently take Jay's hand off of me and get off the bed. I get dressed and put my shoes on. I look for his or my keys but can't find them. I pick up his pants from the floor and check the pockets. I fold them and put them on the dresser, I go to his table and open it but don't see the keys. "What are you doing" He asked half awake sitting up. "Looking for the keys" I say. "Their in the kitchen, wait where are you going" He asked wide awake now. I groan in pain a bit and he pops up. He throws his clothes on. "No you have work soon, go to bed" I say. He disregarded everything I said and put his shoes on. "Come on" he says. He grabs his keys and we get in the car. He takes me to the hospital and as soon as we walk in I see my doctor. "Connor" Jay calls out and Connor rushes over. "Get her in a room" Connor says. I get to a bed and Connor starts checking me. "You ripped your stitches" he said. He fixed it up. "You have to stay bed rest Jade" He says. "But it's so boring" I say. "Then your staying here for a few days where I can keep tabs on you" He says. "Fine" I groan then he leaves. "Go home, get some rest" I tell Jay. "I'm not leaving you" he says. "Go" I say. "Are you sure" he asked. "Positive" I smile. He kisses me and leaves. Then he peaks his head back in, "I'll come see you after work, I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say.

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