little brother

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"you are so cute" I laugh.

"Anyways this is my partner Jay" I introduced.

"Hi Jay" he smiles.

"Hey little buddy" Jay smiles back.

"So what are you, cop, medic, military, Detective, it'd be so cool if your in intelligence I heard their super cool" he smiles.

"Yeah we're in intelligence unit" Jay smiles then a waitress comes over.

"You guys are such a cute family" the waitress smiles.

"We're not a family" Jay says.

"Oh my bad, maybe we can be a family, wait sorry um what can I get you guys" she asks. Reggie looks at me.

"Get whatever you want it's my treat" I say and he smiles.

"A cheese burger, seasoned fries and a banana milkshake" he smiles.

"I'll take the bacon burger, Sprite and a coffee" Jay smiles.

"Then I'll take cheese fries and a vanilla milkshake" I smile.

"Ok" she smiles. She brings our food a while later and we eat.

"We never have this much food at home" Reggie smiles eating.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah mom works and dad uses the money to buy alcohol, he gets mad sometimes, he hits us" Reggie says looking down.

"That's why I'm going to be a cop, so that he can't me anymore" he smiles again. I take out my business card and $200.

"Here" I say and he grabs it but gives the money back.

"Take it, buy yourself and your sisters food, you need more or he hurts you again, you call me" I say looking at him and he nods.

"Why are you helping me?" he asks.

"I know what it's like to not have a mom, I was fortunate to have my dad and luckily you have me, your my little brother" I smile at him. We finish up and I go to pay.

"You want something for later, for you and your sisters" I ask and he nods.

"A banana milkshake, 5 cheese burgers and 5 more fries but to go please" I say. I get the bag and grab one burger out. I give him the bag and we all leave.

"Remember come to me anytime, if he takes your food you go to the front desk and tell Trudy to buzz you up" I say.

"Thanks, but I didn't get your name" he says.

"Jade" I smile. We arrive at the station and we all get out the car.

"Bye Jade, bye Jay" he smiles.

"Nice kid" Jay smiles.

"Yeah" I smile back. We walk in and I give Trudy the burger.

"Thanks kid" she smiles.

"Trudy do me a favor, keep an eye on that kid if he comes in here" I say.

"No problem" she smiles. I go upstairs and get settled in my desk when I hear yelling outside. I quickly pop up so does the rest of my unit and we go outside. I see my mom's husband try and get at Reggie. I grab him and cuff him.

"Come on Reggie" I say and the whole family came upstairs with us while voight had some fun with their dad.

"Hey Jay do you guys get to take down bulls" Reggie asks and Jay just looks confused.

"Hey Jay do you guys get to take down bulls" Reggie asks and Jay just looks confused

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Then Rebekah my mom comes over to sit next to me.

"Jade please talk to me" she says.

"Please I've cleaned up, you have to know leaving you on your dad's step was because I loved you" she says.

"Nicki have these filed for me, please" I say to her and she nods grabbing the files. I heard gunshots suddenly outside and raced outside with half the team. I immediately spotted a man who was shot.

"WE NEED A BUS" I yell. I grab my phone and call in.

"This is officer Reagan we need a bus outside my precinct" I call in. I put pressure on the mans wound as Jay started chasing the guy. I

"I didn't do it" the kid says as Jay drags him back in cuffs.

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