Truth or lie

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I walk out his office and sit in my desk. I see a milkshake on my desk and see Jay smiling in his seat. "You brought me a milkshake" I smile. "Of course" He smiles back. "I ate your cherry" Antonio says from his desk and I laugh. "Hey Antonio, can you help me after work with something" Jay asks. "Yeah sure man" Antonio says. "What do you need help with" I ask. "Just stuff" Jay shrugs. I just nod. "Jade me, you movies" Ruzek says. "What movie" I ask. "Greatest showman" He smiles. "I'm down" I smile. "Good, my treat" He smiles. "Gotcha" I say. "Antonio you can have it I'm not feeling to well" I say giving him my milkshake. "You ok" Jay asked worried. "Fine" I say The rest of the day was a fly by. Come the end of the day Ruzek and I went to the movies.
After movie
"That was actually really good thank you" I smile. "No problem I'm supposed to distract you" He says and then he covers his mouth quickly. "Distract me" I ask. "No I'm uh interacting with you" He tries to cover up. "What's going on" I asked. "Nothing" He says. I just nod and go to my car. "See ya later" he says and I get in my car and start driving. I arrive at home and get out of my car, I call Jay and put him on speaker. "Hey babe" Jay says and I could hear voices in the background. I go inside the apartment and sit down on our bed. "where are you" I asked. "I'm home" He says. "Really, I'm home right now and I don't see you" I inform him. "Oh I'm uh" he stutters. "Tell her your with friends" I hear a girls voice. "I'm with friends" He says. "You know what, it's whatever bye" I say hanging up. I put my phone on the charger and go to shower, I get dressed in.

 I put my phone on the charger and go to shower, I get dressed in

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I grab my keys and leave. I get in my car then my phone rings, i start my car and put it on speaker.  "Yes Rebekah" I ask. "Can we talk" She asked. "Sure, where" I ask. "Dinner Chinese" She says. "Ok send me the address" I say. "Alright bye" She says and I hang up. I get to the address and go inside. I sit down across from her. "How have you been" She asked. "I've been shot, stabbed, held upside down and etc, what about you" I asked. "I've been good, I wanted to talk to you because I'm sorry, I know it means nothing to you but I'm here now trying to be your mother, doesn't that count" she asks. "No it doesn't count, I ask and ask all the time why didn't my mom want me, it's not my fault it's yours. I forgive you, I won't forget but I won't us to move passed this as best as we could" I say. We order some food and chat while we eat. I feel sick again but ignored it. Then my phone rings. "I'm going to take this I'll be back" I say walking outside.


Jay:hey where are you


Jay:no your not I'm, I see what your doing

Me:yeah I'm at dinner with my mom, I didn't lie but apparently you felt the need too

Jay:I'm sorry, it was just Antonio and I hanging out

Me:why didn't you just say that then, why'd you lie

Jay: because......

Me:you know what Jay, lie if you want I don't care

He tries to say something but I hang up. I walk inside and finish eating. "Bye" I say. "Bye" she says to me and we both leave. I get in my car and sit in there. My phone dies so I just think in my car. Then I hear a knock on my window. I put the window down. "Hey Antonio" I smile. "Hey Jay has been calling you and everyone else asking where you are" Antonio says. "What time is it" I ask and he checks is watch. "3 in the morning" He answers. "Crap I've been in my car for 6 hours" I say shaking my head.

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