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"someone was tailing us" I say parking.

"Larry didn't kill his ex" I say as we get out.

"The killer is good at framing, can move states, found not guilty, has a cover" I stop putting the pieces together.

"The killer is a cop" Jay finishes. We all run upstairs and tell voight.

"Cops who just rolled in?" Voight asks.

"Christian suldak" Nicki says.

"Male, 37, mother, wife and sister were murdered in front of him, then at 28, 3 of his daughters were killed but one was able to escape" Nicki says.

"Wait Nicki check and see, did all these women have daughters?" Adam says.

"They did" she says.

"I've got an idea" Lindsay says.

"Jay and I pretend to be a couple with daughters in front of everyone" Lindsay says.

"Good, but I want Jade and Jay on this one. Their chemistry will make it believable" voight says.

"Where are we gonna get kids?" I ask.

"I'll have some kids brought in" my uncle Danny walks in.

"You guys go downstairs and wait for your daughters" voight says. We both walk downstairs waiting together.

"I get to name them" I smile.

"I get to name one" he says.

"Fine" I chuckled.

"Mom your daughters are driving me crazy" a teen girl says as more girls walk in.

"Names, Jay" I say. He pointed at the one with blue eyes and said "heaven".

"Ok, faith don't talk about your sisters that way, Crystal honey fix your dress please, Rachel your hair is gorgeous" I smile.

"Ok, faith don't talk about your sisters that way, Crystal honey fix your dress please, Rachel your hair is gorgeous" I smile

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Then a guy comes up to us as Jay picks up Crystal and heaven.

"These are your daughters?" he asks.

"Yeah faith, heaven, crystal and Rachel" I smile.

"Cool, see you all" he waves leaving. I look at my phone and see voight texted us to go to an address, and act like it's our home.

"Let's go kids" I say. We all get in Jay's car driving to the house. When we get there we get the girls inside. I see voight and Lindsay in the kitchen and the rest are in the rooms.

"Alright let's eat dinner" I say seeing the box of pizza on the table. We all eat together then stand.

"Time for bed" Jay says. The girls all shower and get in PJs. Jay takes off his shirt so its believable. Then voight and Lindsay come upstairs.

"You guys have to pretend your having sex" voight says awkwardly.

"What?" we both ask.

"That way it's easy for Jay to grab his gun, we'll be in the girls rooms" voight says. They all got to the girls room.

"How do we fake this" I ask. I take off my shirt and climb on top of him. "This is so awkward" I say putting my head by his neck and just pretending to kiss him. We hear a noise by the door. I move my hand to Jay's and grabbed the gun.

"Wait till I say fire" he says and I nod.

"Fire!" he says and I quickly turn and shoot the guy.

"We got him!" I yelled, I quickly put on my shirt and recognized that sigh.

"Oh no" I say quickly going up to him.

"Uncle Danny, why am I always accidently shooting someone?" I say Terrified.

"You hit my vest" he says, then I hear another gunshot I look and see Jay shot the real guy. Everybody ran out. I stand and help my uncle up.

"Why were you here?" I ask.

"To catch him but your partner had it covered" uncle Danny smiles. We took the girls home and got back to the station.

"You get back home uncle Danny, tell the boys I said hi" I smiled.

"You take care of yourself Jade, I love you" he says.

"Love you too" I say.

"Hey Jade" I hear Reggie's voice.

"Hey Reggie" I smile.

"Miss Platt let me help her the whole day" he smiles.

"You want to stay at my place again" I ask him.

"No I'm going to go home" he tells me.

"Want a ride" I ask.

"Miss Platt is having Roman and burges take me" he answers.

"Ok love you" I state.

"Love you too" he says running out.

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