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"yeah" I laugh. Then my phone rings I answer it.

Me:hi Dad

Dad:are you ok, do you need me to fly out

Me:dad chill, I'm fine, my friend is with me right now and he could tell you

I put it on speaker.

"Jay tell my dad I'm fine" I say.

"She is completely fine a little bruised up with a sprained arm" Jay says.

"You take care of my daughter Jay" my dad says.

"No problem" Jay says.

"Anyways dad I'll call tomorrow" I say.

"Alright love you and Eddie said she hopes your ok" he says.

"Love you too tell her thanks and bye" I hang up.

"Ugh" I groan laughing.

"Parents huh?" he says.

"Yeah what about yours? You haven't talked about them" I ask.

"My mom was amazing and my dad, wasn't there" Jay says.

"Was?" I asked.

"She passed a while ago" he says looking down.

"I'm sorry I didn't know" I say.

"It's fine, now what do you, my lovely lady want to eat" he asks smiling.

"Burgers" I smile.

"Got it" he says grabbing his phone and putting our order in. He then sat down next to me.

"Any siblings" he asked.

"Nope, well my mom could have had kids so I don't know, you?" I ask.

"A brother named will" Jay smiles.

"Will Halstead?" I ask.

"Yeah, you know him?" he asks.

"My cousin Natalie works with him" I answer. Then there's a knock on the door.

"Hey Jay" I hear Lindsay's voice.

"Oh hey" he says.

"Wanna have some fun tonight?" I hear her say and she walks in.

"Oh, am I interrupting something " she says sounding a bit angry.

"Nope, not at all, I'll leave you guys to it" I say leaving and going to my apartment.

"Jade" I hear Jay say.

"Have fun" I smile and close my door. I say on my couch and hear a knock on the door, I stand and open it to reveal Jay.

"Why aren't you with Lindsay?" I ask.

"I told her to go home" he smiles coming in with the food.

"Well I wasn't going to ditch you" he said.

"Wow my hero" I laugh. He laughed and sat down giving me my food and setting his out. I stand up and go to the fridge.

"Wanna beer" I ask.

"Yeah" he nods. I grab him and myself one. We hang out and eat.

"Alright see you tomorrow, we'll take my car" he chuckled.

"Alright, night Halstead" I smile.

"Night Reagan" he smiles back. I close my door and grab my phone. I call my aunt Erin.

Me:I'm sorry for what I said

Erin:I know you were angry but you have to understand I'm a lawyer it's my job to keep their info private.

Me:I know and I'm sorry, I'm the bitch not you

Erin:no one is a bitch, but from what I've heard your doing a great job

Me:thanks aunty anyways I have to get to bed so goodnight love you

Erin:love you too

I hang up.

6 in the morning

I wake up to my phone ringing, I quickly answer.

"Hello" I say.

"It's voight you and Halstead meet us at this address" he said giving me the address.

"Yes sir" I hang up. I get dressed and grab my gun and phone. I knocked on Halsteads door.

"Yeah, oh hey Jade" he smiles seeing me but he had a whole tired expression with cute messy hair.

"We have to go, get dressed" I tell him.

"Come in" he says going to his room and changing. He grabbed his keys and phone. He drives us to the scene and we enter the house.

"A family" voight says.

"Three kids a mom and a dad all dead" voight says, I look around on pictures and see teen girls are missing.

"Sarg we're missing two teenage girls" I say and he comes over. I go upstairs and see the two boys shared a room and two girls shared the room but the last had her own.

"Yeah we're missing two girls" I say. I keep looking and see a baby bed in the parents room. I start looking around and see a baby in the sink with a knife stuck in it. I checked and saw there was a pulse.

"I need a medic up here, now!" I yell and heard my team and the medic run up.

"You have to pull it out" the medic says.

"I can't do that" I say.

"We have to or she'll die, I'll cover it once you pull it out, you have to do it slow" she says. I pull it out slowly and the baby start to cry, I cry while doing it and hold my breath a bit. I get it out and the medic covers it.

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