not enough attention paid

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"I'm so sorry" Jay says and I see a tear fall. "It's not your fault, any one of us would have gotten shot" I say. "I didn't have your back" He says to me. "That's my fault not yours, I should have called you guys" I tell him. "It's ok Jay" I say. He lays his head on me. "It's ok" I say rubbing him and he started crying. "Dude I'm fine" I try and lighten the mood. He looks up at me and smiles weakly. "I'm fine see" I smile. "Alright" He nods. Then my doctor walks in. "Hey Jade I'm Connor Rhodes, dr.rhodes, I performed your sugery" He smiles with red puffy eyes. "Nice to meet you" I chuckled. "Ok your surgery went well, you can go home tomorrow if there are no complications, also you will be sent home with a prescription, once a day for a week" He says. "Thanks Dr" I say. "Alright I'll be back in an hour or so to check up on you" He says leaving. "Go home and get some sleep" I tell Jay. "I'm fine" He says. "Jay, at least go eat" I say. "Alright, what do you want to eat" He asks. I point to my board, "I can only eat pudding and Jelow" I chuckled. "Alright I'll be back" He says grabbing his keys, he kisses me then leaves. I sit in my hospital bed and get bored so I try and stand, quickly falling. I try and stand but can't pick myself up. "I forgot to...." Connor says coming in then quickly helping me on my bed. "Thanks doc" I smile. "Your going to be a problem huh" He chuckled. "I want to get out the room" I say. "Ok give me a sec" He says leaving but then coming back in with a wheel chair. He helps me on and pushes me around. "Thanks Connor" I smile. "No problem" He says. We go all over the hospital, on the roof and back to my room. When we get to the room I see Jay. "Hey" I smile. "Hey, your ok" He says panicked. "I'm fine, Connor took me for a ride around" I say. Connor helps me back on the bed and connected all my wires and crap. "Thanks so much" I smile. "No problem, feel better" He says leaving. Jay pulls out 2 packs of vanilla pudding, 4 red, 2 green, 4 blue, 3 yellow and 1 orange Jell-O cups. "Thanks Jay" I smile. He sits next to me eating his tacos. "It smells so good" I say. "No solids" He laughs. "How about a smell, or the lime" I ask. "You want to lick the lime" He asks. "yes" I say and he shrugs giving me the lime, I lick it and my face goes all sour, I hand it back. "I don't want it no more" I say still with the sour face and Jay breaks out laughing. I open my pudding and eat some. "My throat hurts" I say. "Where was I even shot" I asked. Then he pointed to the spot on himself. I lifted up my shirt and saw the scar. I brushed it off and continued to eat. Then burges came in. "Can I talk to her, alone" burges says. "Uh yeah" Jay says leaving the room. "Hey Kim" I smile. "How are you feeling" She asks. "I'm uh I'm alright" I nod. "I just wanted to let you know, I'm here if you want to talk, I was shot and I didn't feel pretty or important" she says. "I don't want you to feel that way" she tells me. "Thanks Kim, I'll be ok" I smile. "Good" She says leaving as Jay walks back in. "I am not staying here all night, I'll see if the cute doctor let's me go home" I say. "Now I have to kill him" Jay says. "I said he was cute, he is, but your hot fyi I was talking about your brother" I say laughing. "Plus I already got a guy who will tackle me gently" I laugh.

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