uh oh she's all grown up

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Uncle Danny takes me to Grandpa's office and leaves.

"Hi miss baker" I smile.

"Hi Jade" she says. I walk into Grandpa's office.

"Sorry to interrypte grandpa" I say.

"Interrupt sweetie and it's ok, I heard you got suspended your first day of school" grandpa says.

"Yeah, hi Mr. Garrett and Mr. Sid" I say.

"Hi Jade" they both smile.

"Grandpa I didn't mean to get in trouble" I say as miss baker walks in with Zeus. I grab Zeus.

"I know your uncle Danny called me" he says.

"It's ok" grandpa said smiling.


Grandpa and I eat lunch with aunt Erin when daddy comes in.

"Hi Daddy" I say.

"Hi sweetie" he says sitting down.

11 years later

That's me I'm 17

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That's me I'm 17.
Sunday dinner

"So Jade you figured out what your going to do" Aunt Erin asked me causing everyone to look my way.

"Uh yeah, I'm" I stop.

"Spit it out kid" uncle Danny chuckles. Oh yeah my dad and Eddie got married.

"I'm moving to Chicago, I'm gonna work to get in the intelligence unit" I say.

"What" they all ask.

"Look it's what I want, and I'm sorry that being in the NYPD is not what I want, sorry grandpa" I say.

"No sweetie it's ok but we won't have you here for Sunday dinner anymore" he says.

"I'll always come and visit when I'm not busy" I say.

Later that night

I sneak out my window to go to a party but quickly get caught as dad shines his flashlight in my face.

"Dad" I whine.

"No parties" dad says.

"Eddie" I call her for help.

"Sorry kiddo" she chuckles.

"Dad technically speaking I should have been sneaking out since 8th grade but this is my First time" I say.

"Fine but I pick you up and drop you off, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs and no boys" he says strictly.

"Gotcha" I say.

6 years later

Last Sunday dinner

"I've officially finished college and now I'm going to Chicago" I smile.

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