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We get dressed for work and I bring a bottle of water. We get in the car and get to work. I sit at my desk and fill papers out. "Jade your not working outside, your staying here filling papers out" Voight says. "No way" I argue. "Yes way, we're not putting you or that baby in danger" He says. "Boss I can work" I say. "Fine, but if one thing happens I'm pulling you completely" he says. "Got it" I say.
"I have to go" I say seeing it's 7:30.  "Boss I'm going to head out" I say. "Alright get home safe" he says. "You take the car, I'll be home soon" I say giving him the keys. I walk to the docks and get there at exactly 8. I see preston and he hugs me. "I missed you" He says. "Preston I have a family, I have a fiancee and a baby" I inform him. "What about me" he asked. "I choose Jay, I was always going to choose Jay, yeah you made me question everything, but he taught me true love" I say. "I just hoped, I get it, I have two boys, twins, their about a year older than what your carrying" He smiles. "See ya later Juliet, Jade" He chuckled. "See ya Preston" I say. I sit on the dock and just think. A baby is a whole commitment, not that I'm not happy about it, it's just I don't want to give up my job. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I look and saw Jay. "Come on, let's go home" he whispers. He helps me up and we get in the car. "I saw the note in the trash" He informs me. "I wasn't hiding it" I say back. "I know" He says. "Jade please don't work" He pleads. "Jay its all I have" I tell him. "You have a baby and me and dogs" He says. "You know what I mean" I say. "This is all I have Jay, I love my job. If anything harms the baby in the slightest then I'm done" I say. "So it takes the baby to get hurt for you to not work" He asks. "It's my choice" I nearly yell. "IT'S OUR BABY" he yells parking the car by the house. I get out the car and slam the door, I start walking away. "Jade" He says. "JADE" he yells and I turn around. "Where are you going" He asked. "Somewhere else, it's our baby but your not the one carrying it" I say walking away. "Jade please come back" He begs. I keep walking off. "DAMNIT" I hear him yell. I just walk around. I hear my phone constantly buzzing but I don't pick it up. "You father is an ass" I say rubbing my stomach. I keep walking and end up at Molly's. I go in and sit on the stool. "Hey Jade, congratulations can I get you a water or soda" herrmann asked. "Uh a water thanks herrmann" I smile. Then Ruzek taps my shoulder. "Hey what's going on, Jay's worried about you" He tells me as herrmann gives me some water. "Thank you" I smile. "No problem kid" He says going somewhere else. "Just a disagreement about me working is all" I say to Ruzek. Then severide came up to me. "Hey Jade" he smiles. "hey severide" I smile. "Oh I've been meaning to talk to you guys, I wanted to know if you both wanted to be godfather's to the baby" I ask smiling. "Holy crap your serious" Ruzek asks smiling. "Yup" I smile. "of course" The both say overjoyed. "But why us" Severide asks. "The baby will be lucky to have you both as godfather's" I smile laughing. They both hugged me. "Severide come here" I hear someone say. "Alright I got to go, but I'll catch you guys later" Severide says kissing my cheek and going to his friends. "Ruzek I want you to pick the baby's middle name" I say. "Really" He asked. "I couldn't have picked anyone better" I smile. "The girls name would be Melody and the boys name would be Nathaniel" I tell him. "Ok I will be prepared by the birth" He laughs.

A Bronx Girl Made For The CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora